Nov. 20 was TDOR Vegas - These are the names of the 331 Trans People Killed This Year - Share and #SayTheirNames
Transgender Day of Remembrance is celebrated on November 20
Transgender Day of Remembrance is celebrated on November 20


Blue Montana and Owen Miller with a TDOR quilt at The Center for Spiritual Living on TDOR Nov. 20 in Las Vegas


Source: transrespect.org


#1 Juliana Ferreira

Age:    22

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    02/10/2018

Location of death:    Mandaguaçu (Brazil) Cause of death:    stoned

Remarks:    The body was found by plant workers and was in an advanced state of decomposition. There was a stone nearby

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // http://radardanoticia.com.br/2018/10/03/travesti-e-encontrada-morta-em-canavial-de- iguatemi/


#2 Ciara Minaj Carter Frazier

Age:    31

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    03/10/2018 Location of death:    Chicago (USA) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Ciara was fatally stabbed and her body left behind an abandoned building by a man with whom she was arguing

Sources:    https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-transgender- community-in-2018 // Chicago Sun Times, 04.10.2018


#3 Danielly Ferraz

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    03/10/2018 Location of death:    Serra (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The victim was missing and was found with burns, by her family Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.facebook.com/100003340485414/posts/1849196898534975/


Blue Montana and Heather Berdrow at The Center for Spiritual Living on TDOR Nov. 20 with a TDOR quilt


#4 N.N.

Age:    50

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    05/10/2018

Location of death:    Rosario (Argentina)

Cause of death:    asphyxiation/smoke inhalation/suffocated

Remarks:    The victim´s body had strangulation signs and leg burns Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://www.nuevodiarioweb.com.ar/noticias/2018/10/05/170785-horror- hallaron-muerta-ahorcada-y-con-las-piernas-quemadas-a-una-transexual 05.10.2018 https://www.ellitoral.com/index.php/id_um/180553-hallaron-muerta-con-quemaduras- a-una-mujer-trans-en-rosario-el-cuerpo-tenia-signos-de-ahorcamiento-sucesos.html



#5 Gabriela Ramos Menezes

Age:    19

Occupation:    waitress/waiter/bartender Date of death:    07/10/2018

Location of death:    Manaus (Brazil) Cause of death:    other

Remarks:    The victim was beaten, drowned and found without eyes and her face disfigured. The family learned of death through social networks. The reason for the crime is unknown, especially who could have committed it.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.acritica.com/channels/manaus/news/familia-contesta-afogamento-de- travesti-achada-sem-olhos-na-ponta-negra


#6 Monse

Age:    35

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    07/10/2018 Location of death:    Toluca (Mexico) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Monse was shot from a vehicle and was taken to the hospital before passing away.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://www.elgrafico.mx/toluca/asesinan-transexual-balazos-desde-un- automovil-en-movimiento-en-toluca



Community members pictured with a TDOR quilt at The Center for Spiritual Living on TDOR Nov. 20 


#7 Janet

Age:    31

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    09/10/2018

Location of death:    San Luis Colorado (Mexico) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The victim was stabbed to death

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.elimparcial.com/mexicali/policiaca/Atacan-y-matan-a-travesti-en- San-Luis-Rio-Colorado-20181009-0010.html    09.10.2018


#8 Regina Denise Brown

Age:    53

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    10/10/2018

Location of death:    Orangebourg, South Carolina (USA) Cause of death:    burned

Remarks:    Found dead in her burned house. According to police investigators, Jenkins “willfully and maliciously set fire to Ms. Regina Denise Brown’s home,” watching from the outside as the house burnt before fleeing the scene in Brown’s car


Sources:    Pinknews & HRC, https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence- against-the-transgender-community-in-2018


#9 Lorrane da Silva

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    12/10/2018

Location of death:    Porto Real do Colégio (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    She was killed with several gunshot shots. Two suspects armed were seen nearby. Lorrane had left the prison about a month ago.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://alagoasalerta.com.br/noticias/policia/travesti-e-morta-a-tiros-no-interior-de- alagoas


Heather Berdrow, Blue Montana and Amy Elizabeth Wiltshire at The Center for Spiritual Living on TDOR Nov. 20


#10 Pitiele Edleuza Prado

Age:    30

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    13/10/2018

Location of death:    Serra (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    She was found dead with several scissors blows. Police suspect the crime may have been committed by an acquaintance of the victim, since nothing has been taken and there are no signs of burglary in the residence.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://novo.folhavitoria.com.br/policia/noticia/10/2018/travesti-e-encontrada-morta- com-golpes-de-tesoura-dentro-de-casa-na-serra


#11 Marisa Sánchez "Haitianita"

Age:    30

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    15/10/2018

Location of death:    Punta Cana (Dominican Republic) Cause of death:    stoned

Remarks:    The victim was found dead, with a blow in the head, Near the body there was a stone

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://cdn.com.do/2018/10/15/encuentran-muerto-travesti-punta-cana/ 15.10.2018


#12 Dipika Uprety

Age:    26

Occupation:    activist/movement leader Date of death:    16/10/2018

Location of death:    Pahichan (Nepal) Cause of death:    not reported


Remarks:    The body was retrieved from a damaged truck, Police suspected the murder of Uprety saying that there are two serious injuries in head

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://pahichan.com/dead-body-of-transgender-found-in-chitwan


#13 Patricia Aylen Molina

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    other

Date of death:    16/10/2018

Location of death:    Buenos Aires (Argentina) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Patricia and other young woman were found in her car, both with a headshot. At the begining the police thought it was suicide, but then that hypothesis was discharged

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.ellitoral.com/index.php/id_um/181427-balean-en-la-cabeza-a- una-policia-trans-y-a-una-joven-dentro-de-un-auto-estan-internadas-en-estado- grave-sucesos.html 16.10.2018


#14 Jessica Gonzaga

Age:    25

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    16/10/2018

Location of death:    São Paulo (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    During a discussion, the victim was assaulted by four or five men in front of a bar . Witnesses said they heard some men shouting the name of PSL presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro, and

verbal aggressions

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://g1.globo.com/sp/sao- paulo/noticia/2018/10/16/travesti-e-morta-a-facadas-durante-briga-em-bar-no-centro- de- sp.ghtml?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sptv&utm_co ntent=post


#15 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    16/10/2018

Location of death:    Salvador (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The victim was shot several times in the old center of Salvador. The body had several burns

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // Whatsapp


#16 Carol Machado

Age:    27


Occupation:    other

Date of death:    18/10/2018 Location of death:    Xanxerê (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Activist said she "was beaten and raped in every way, her body was hit by gunfire and then discarded somewhere in the mud"

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // http://tudosobrexanxere.com.br/index.php/desc_noticias/policia_civil_investiga_morte



#17 Laysa Fortuna

Age:    25

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    18/10/2018 Location of death:    Aracaju (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    According to the witness, the crime occurred after an attempted robbery and was committed by a supporter of candidate Jair Bolsonaro (PSL). The killer used to threaten the transsexuals who worked at the Center making fun of some verbally and showing their genitals.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // http://f5news.com.br/cotidiano/vitima-da-intolerancia-transexual-laysa-fortuna-morre- em-hospital_50970/


#18 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    21/10/2018

Location of death:    Cancun, Quintana Roo (Mexico) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The victim died after receiving several shots

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://laverdadnoticias.com/crimen/Continuan-las-ejecuciones-en-la-ciudad- de-Cancun-hallan-el-cuerpo-de-un-travesti-en-la-SM-203-20181021-0104.html 21.10.2018


#19 Karoline Mendonça da Silva

Age:    31

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    22/10/2018

Location of death:    Santo André (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The victim was assaulted while working- she showed heavy bleeding in the groin.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://abcdjornal.com.br/travesti-e-agredida-e-morta-em-santo-andre/



#20 Robertha Welmont Moraes

Age:    23

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    22/10/2018 Location of death:    Maringá (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The victim was found with gunshot wounds in the head. Three bullet cartridges were found near the body, and in his bag there were sex shop products.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // http://www.obemdito.com.br/cotidiano/identificada-a-travesti-encontrada-morta-a- tiros-em-estrada-rural/20750/


#21 Yuri Vanesa Salazar López

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    22/10/2018 Location of death:    Buga (Colombia) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    Yuri's body was found on 22nd October.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.facebook.com/colectivovozpropia/photos/a.844037015984920/90093969 0294652/?type=3&theater


#22 B. Alves Gonçalves

Age:    21

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    25/10/2018

Location of death:    Presidente Médici (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    B. was found dead with dozens of stab wounds, likely made with a knife. B was mother of a little child.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // http://identidademandacaru.blogspot.com/2018/11/corpo-de-jovem-e-encontrado- com-sinais.html


#23 Robertinha

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    25/10/2018

Location of death:    Macaíba (Brazil) Cause of death:    other

Remarks:    The victim was drowned by a biker in Lagoa das Pedras Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.facebook.com/kivia.galvao.90/posts/210036866588381



#24 Lorhany Kalarhary

Age:    29

Occupation:    other

Date of death:    29/10/2018 Location of death:    Querência (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Lorhany was found by her mother, who called for help. The victim was naked, on the floor, and already lifeless and had nine knife punctures throughout the body.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://g1.globo.com/mt/mato- grosso/noticia/2018/10/30/cozinheira-transexual-e-encontrada-assassinada-e-nua- em0-quarto-na-casa-dela-em- mt.ghtml?utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR3a3Wlk8pYn2r5VTN0MFpxdD1JTEQ1 m9YfErVTzWyksEKoGxTJKY8Q3p8o


#25 Sheila Brites Bodago

Age:    33

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    29/10/2018 Location of death:    Amambai (Brazil) Cause of death:    other

Remarks:    Sheila was found dead in her room, lying in the bed. The victim had her head swollen and foam in the mouth. It is not clear yet if it is a homicide or suicide.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.agazetanews.com.br/noticia/politica/139585/policia-civil-apura-morte-de- travesti-em-amambai


#26 Dja Santos

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    29/10/2018

Location of death:    Codaja (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The police say it was robbery resulting in death Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE //



#27 Maria Cecília

Age:    35

Occupation:    other

Date of death:    31/10/2018

Location of death:    Belo Horizonte (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The body was found on the street, with 11 knife wounds in the neck


Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // http://cms.hojeemdia.com.br/preview/www/2.602/2.616/1.668092


#28 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    02/11/2018 Location of death:    Perak (Malaysia) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    Not enough information reported

Sources:    Jas Pham, Asia Pacific Transgender Network, Recieved online on facebook (<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.faceb ook.com%2Fgiselerimong86%2Fposts%2F1950329195049502&width=500" width="500" height="480" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>) Para habilitar la compatibilidad con lectores de pantalla, pulsa Ctrl+Alt+Z. Para obtener información acerca de las combinaciones de teclas, pulsa Ctrl+barra diagonal.

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#29 Natacha de Oliveira

Age:    34

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    02/11/2018

Location of death:    Reriutaba (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Two men on a motorcycle wearing black helmets entered victim´s yard and shot her in the head. According to her mother, the victim had received a call from an unknown woman who threatened her by saying "you should be careful".

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // http://blogdotidi.blogspot.com/2018/11/travesti-e-executado-tiros-no-quintal.html


#30 N.N.

Age:    38

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    03/11/2018

Location of death:    Taiping (Malaysia) Cause of death:    strangled/hanged

Remarks:    Police in Taiping has arrested a 27-year-old man over the murder of a 38-year-old trans woman whom he strangled

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://says.com/my/news/a-38-year-old-transgender-woman-strangled-to-death-in- taiping?utm_source=says_mobile&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=mobile_s hare&fbclid=IwAR3btZ8IirCbGnbGvRl8k4vEkruqtXPlB1TQL6ES8cSH0uoQR_68Sa4 0PtY


#31 Brenda Zarik Sifuentes Andrade

Age:    36

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    04/11/2018 Location of death:    Trujillo (Peru) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Brenda was brutally murdered. She was stabbed several times and her neck was cut

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://laindustria.pe/nota/1842-trujillo-asesinan-a-joven-transexual-en-su- habitacin 04.11.2018

https://peru21.pe/peru/extranjero-degollo-apunalo-robo-mujer-trans-trujillo-fotos- 438482-noticia/ 05.11.2018


#32 Estrella

Age:    42

Occupation:    not reported


Date of death:    05/11/2018

Location of death:    San Antonio La Isla, Estado De Mexico (Mexico) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Estrella was found lifeless at home with a wound.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://twitter.com/FDCRadio/status/1060011140548382720?s=03 06.11.2018

https://la-prensa.mx/toluca/ultiman-a-dueno-de-una-estetica-en-toluca/ 05.11.2018


#33 Elisângela

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    07/11/2018

Location of death:    Vitória da Conquista (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Two trans women were victims of an attack. One was killed and the other was taken to the hospital. The surviver said the criminals filmed the execution. All shots were fired at the victims' heads. Police believe it was a crime related to drug trafficking.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // http://blitzconquista.com.br/travesti-e-morta-e-outra-e-ferida-a-tiros-em- conquista/?fbclid=IwAR1vf4N5sM9pqA4BxFWPmcJ9s5mDUmNmsMQn0g4Jw6jm7 MzAuSnUnnbgWCA


#34 G. Souza Rodrigues

Age:    23

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    08/11/2018

Location of death:    Hortolândia (Brazil) Cause of death:    beaten

Remarks:    The victim was beaten to death with a toilet after an argument with a possible client

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // http://tvb.com.br/tvb/portal/materias/detalhes/id/1921/noticia/travesti-e-assassinado- em-hortolandia


#35 Flávia C.

Age:    44

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    09/11/2018

Location of death:    Morada Nova (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The body was found lying in the hall and it had several firearm perforations. Locals refused to give any information about what happened.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // http://www.monolitospost.com/2018/11/10/cabeleireiro-e-executado-a-tiros-em-seu- local-de-trabalho-no-municipio-de-morada-nova/



#36 Raphaela Souza

Age:    34

Occupation:    other

Date of death:    14/11/2018

Location of death:    Vitória da Conquista (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The victim was a LGBT militant and was developing social projects in her region. She was shot three times in the head

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://g1.globo.com/ba/bahia/noticia/2018/11/15/militante-lgbt-travesti-e-morta-com- tres-tiros-na-cabeca-em-vitoria-da-conquista-sudoeste-da-bahia.ghtml


#37 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    15/11/2018 Location of death:    Natal (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Not enough information reported

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // Jaqueline Brasil ONG ATREVIDA/RN


#38 Ruiva

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    15/11/2018

Location of death:    São Paulo (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Not enough information reported

Sources:    Via whatsapp Instituto Brasileiro Trans de Educação/Sayonara Nogueira


#39 Fanny Aguiar

Age:    34

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    15/11/2018

Location of death:    Montevideo (Uruguay) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The victim was found dead in her apartament

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/policiales/asesinaron-mujer-trans- comercial.html 16.11.2018


#40 Flávia de Oliveira

Age:    37

Occupation:    sex worker


Date of death:    18/11/2018 Location of death:    Fortaleza (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The victim had 11 stab wounds

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://observatoriog.bol.uol.com.br/noticias/2018/11/namorado-admite-assassinato- de-travesti-e-que-gastou-dinheiro-da-vitima


#41 Karla Lopez Laureano

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    18/11/2018

Location of death:    Trujillo (Peru)

Cause of death:    asphyxiation/smoke inhalation/suffocated

Remarks:    Karla was found at home, her partner is the main suspect Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.americatv.com.pe/noticias/actualidad/trujillo-hallan-sin-vida- estilista-transexual-dentro-su-habitacion-n347477 18.11.2018 https://diarioperfil.pe/actualidad/estamos/karla-lopez-el-segundo-transfeminicidio-en- el-peru-en-apenas-15-dias/    22.11.2019


#42 Gabriella Torres

Age:    30

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    20/11/2018

Location of death:    Manaus (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The crime happened during a birthday barbecue. Criminals entered shooting her and then ran away

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://observatoriog.bol.uol.com.br/noticias/2018/11/transexual-morre-apos-receber- tres-tiros-durante-churrasco-de- aniversario?utm_source=push&utm_campaign=onesignal


#43 Perlita de Guerrero

Age:    38

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    22/11/2018

Location of death:    Acapulco, Guerrero (Mexico) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Perla was killed by strangers who shot her in a beauty salon she owned.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://elsoldechilpancingo.mx/2018/11/22/asesinan-a-un-travesti-dentro-de- su-estetica/ 22.11.2018


#44 Nahomy Alexandra López Orellana "La Pepita"


Age:    15

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    25/11/2018

Location of death:    Sacacoyo (El Salvador) Cause of death:    strangled/hanged Remarks:    Nahomy was found in a car

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.laprensagrafica.com/amp/elsalvador/Hallan-cadaver-de- transexual-en-un-vehiculo-que-se-accidento-en-Sacacoyo 20181125-

0023.html?     twitter_impression=true    25.11.2018

https://www.laprensagrafica.com/elsalvador/Encuentran-el-cadaver-de-un-joven- dentro-de--vehiculo-que-se-accidento-en-La-Libertad-20181125-0076.html

#45 Fábia Ju Dias

Age:    17

Occupation:    other

Date of death:    26/11/2018 Location of death:    Manhuaçu (Brazil) Cause of death:    beaten

Remarks:    Police were informed that Fabia was beaten by three man, one of them using a stick to hit the victim's head. Police investigation points to possible drug debt, despite other suspicions

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.manhuacunews.com.br/2018/11/27/manhuacu-travesti-e-morta-a- pauladas-no-santa-terezinha/


#46 Mikaela Africana Sanhes

Age:    41

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    26/11/2018 Location of death:    Salvador (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The victim was caught by three bandits that shot her three times. The main suspicion is that the criminals tried to steal the victim's cell phone

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://informebaiano.com.br/95246/policia/transexual-e-morta-a-tiros-em-frente-a- hospital-de-cajazeiras


#47 Rajni

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    28/11/2018

Location of death:    Gurugram (India) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Rajni was shot on Wednesday evening a toll plaza. A 28-year- old man has been arrested. Police said that a fight broke out between two groups, that were discussing about money


Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://www.dnaindia.com/delhi/report-man-who-murdered-transgender-arrested- from-outer-delhi-area-2691467


#48 Tydi Dansbury

Age:    37

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    28/11/2018 Location of death:    Baltimore (USA) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The victim was found with gunshot wounds and rushed to a local hospital in grave condition, where she died.

Sources:    Gay City News & HRC, 07.12.2018 // https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-transgender-community-in-2018


#49 Duda

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    01/12/2018 Location of death:    Marabá (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Duda was a drug addict and lived “roaming” the streets of the Old Marabá neighborhood. Two "dealers" on a motorcycle fired several times, striking her head and thorax

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=213754452526327&story_fbid=357208 974847540


#50 Karliane Vitoria Rodrigues

Age:    21

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    04/12/2018

Location of death:    Taguatinga Sul (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Witnesses saw the victim going to a place used by sex workers with a client, then heard a scream and shots, and saw the aggressor run away Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.metropoles.com/distrito-federal/apos-programa-ciclista-executa-travesti- a-tiros-no-distrito-federal


#51 Luisa Fernanda Hernandez

Age:    37

Occupation:    employee/clerk/civil servant Date of death:    04/12/2018

Location of death:    Leon, Guanajuato (Mexico) Cause of death:    shot


Remarks:    Luisa was found dead inside a car. She was killed by several shots

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://www.deochonews.com/luisa-fernanda-mujer-transgenero-asesinada- en-leon 04.12.2018


#52 Nancy de Monza

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death: 05/12/2018 Location of death: Milan (Italy) Cause of death: beaten

Remarks:    The victim was murdered by Isis Santos with an iron rod Sources:    Rayane Toledo via Instituto Brasileiro Trans de Educação/Sayonara Nogueira


#53 J.C. Pereira de Lima

Age:    22

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    05/12/2018 Location of death:    Itanhaém (Brazil) Cause of death:    beaten

Remarks:    The victim was brutally beaten and buried in the yard of her house

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://globoplay.globo.com/v/7212573/


#54 Keanna Mattel "Kelly Stough"

Age:    35

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    07/12/2018 Location of death:    Detroit (USA) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Found dead with a gunshot wound on the street, , by Albert Weathers, a 46-year-old preacher. Prosecutors said they will present evidence in court that Stough’s gender identity was a motivating factor in her murder

Sources:    Pinknews & https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the- transgender-community-in-2018


#55 N.N.

Age:    25

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    07/12/2018

Location of death:    Villa Nueva (Guatemala) Cause of death:    not reported


Remarks:    The body of an unidentified trans woman was found with signs of violence in a ditch at the entrance to Colonia Eterna Primavera in zone 4 of Villa Nueva.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://noticieroelvigilante.com/2018/12/07/localiza-el-cuerpo-de-un-hombre- con-vestimenta-de-mujer/


#56 Jéssica Dimy

Age:    23

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    07/12/2018

Location of death:    Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Cause of death:    burned

Remarks:    Five months before, Jessica worked as a sex worker and was raped by a client. Fábio Barreto da Silva, 23, choked her and set fire to the sheet and the room where the victim was, locking the door. She was in a hospital since then, where she died

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // http://www.midia1508.org/2018/12/10/jessica-dimy-travesti-que-teve-50-do-seu- corpo-queimado-morre-no-rio-de-janeiro/


#57 Victória Landeiro

Age:    20

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    09/12/2018

Location of death:    Rondonopolis (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    A car stopped where the victim worked and an armed person requested his services, since she refused, the alleged client shot him.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://g1.globo.com/mt/mato- grosso/noticia/2018/12/09/transexual-que-trabalhava-como-garota-de-programa-e- morta-a-tiros-por-cliente-em-mt.ghtml


#58 Scarlety Mastroianyy

Age:    33

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    10/12/2018

Location of death:    Londrina (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Three men got out of a car and started assaulting two transvestites, one managed to escape, but the other was beaten and stabbed to death. The car was identified and one suspect is in a hospital under police surveillance

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://g1.globo.com/pr/norte- noroeste/noticia/2018/12/10/travesti-morre-depois-de-ser-agredida-e-esfaqueada- em-londrina-diz-pm.ghtml



#59 Manuel Luna

Age:    31

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    11/12/2018

Location of death:    Morelia, Michoacan (Mexico) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    The body was found burned, aside a country road

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.mimorelia.com/cuerpo-calcinado-en-brecha-de-morelia-era-de- hombre-se-presume-crimen-de-odio/


#60 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    11/12/2018

Location of death:    São Vicente (Brazil)

Cause of death:    asphyxiation/smoke inhalation/suffocated

Remarks:    The victim was found floating near the beach. Had a bruise in the left eye and a injury in the right ear.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.atribuna.com.br/noticias/policia/corpo-de-travesti-%C3%A9-encontrado- na-praia-do-itarar%C3%A9-em-s%C3%A3o-vicente-1.6699


#61 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    12/12/2018

Location of death:    Parnamirim (Brazil) Cause of death:    beaten

Remarks:    The body was found on a soccer field. Along with the corpse was found a cutting edge knife, that officials said may have been used by the victim as a defense against the attackers. She was half naked, wearing only a pair of denim shorts.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.op9.com.br/rn/noticias/travesti-e-encontrada-morta-seminua-em-campo- de-futebol-de-parnamirim/


#62 N.N.

Age:    32

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    12/12/2018 Location of death:    Klang (Malaysia) Cause of death:    beaten

Remarks:    The victim was found dead from 32 injuries caused by blunt weapons


Sources:    Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://www.nst.com.my/news/crime-courts/2018/12/443248/four-be-charged-over- deadly-assault-transgender-person-klang


#63 Gabi Blak

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    12/12/2018

Location of death:    Brasilandia (Brazil) Cause of death:    strangled/hanged

Remarks:    Gabi's body was found with signs of sexual assault and hanged with a pair of jeans

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://sao- paulo.estadao.com.br/noticias/geral,corpo-de-trans-assassinada-e-achado-no-patio- de-ubs-na-zona-norte,70002645285


#64 Scarlett Cedeño

Age:    19

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    14/12/2018 Location of death:    Cali (Colombia) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    Scarlet was found several days after her dead. Suspected of being related to a robbery or debts

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.elpais.com.co/judicial/hallan-cuerpo-en-barrio-panamericano-de- cali.html 18.12.2018


#65 Marilin

Age:    32

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    16/12/2018

Location of death:    Buenos Aires (Argentina) Cause of death:    run-over by car

Remarks:    Marilin is one of the four victims related to accusations involving police officers for trafficking in persons. She died in a hospital.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.mundotkm.com/genero/2019/02/12/asesinaron-a-cuatro-chicas- trans-por-denunciar-a-la-


#66 Valquiria

Age:    47

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    17/12/2018

Location of death:    Imperatriz (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed


Remarks:    Was murdered with her partner. Almost all the strokes were on the heads. By the state of the bodies, there is a suspicion of the involvement of a third person.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // http://www.ma10.com.br/2018/12/17/casal-homossexual-e-assassinado-golpes-de- faca-em-quitinete/


#67 Litzy Hurtado

Age:    24

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    17/12/2018 Location of death:    El Alto (Bolivia) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Litzy and her sister were in a night club, when were insulted by strangers and attacked when they tried to defend themselves. Litzy died of a heart wound. Azon, her sister with facial wounds.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.paginasiete.bo/seguridad/2018/12/17/agreden-hasta-matar-una- transexual-en- 17.12.2018


#68 N.N.

Age:    23

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    19/12/2018

Location of death:    Guerrero, Abasolo (Mexico) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The victim was found on a country road

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.am.com.mx/noticias/Encuentran-a-hombre-ejecutado-en-un- camino-de-terraceria-20181219-0093.html 19.12.2018


#69 Márcia Rodrigues Pereira

Age:    29

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    20/12/2018

Location of death:    Camapuã (Brazil) Cause of death:    strangled/hanged

Remarks:    He struck the victim with, which fell and thrashed on the ground. The author brought his knee to Márcia's neck and strangled her. A cell phone and $ 132 that the author had taken from the victim was delivered to the police

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.itaquirainews.com/2018/12/travesti-e-encontrada-morta-em-milharal.html


#70 Gaby

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    23/12/2018


Location of death:    Playa Del Carmen, Quintana Roo (Mexico) Cause of death:    stoned

Remarks:    The victim´s body was found in a wasteland. Was killed beaten with a concrete block

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.lapalabradelcaribe.com/asesinan-a-hombre-en-playa-del- carmen-estaba-vestido-con-ropa-de-mujer/118383/ 23.12.2018


#71 Jéssica Bracamonte

Age:    25

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    25/12/2018

Location of death:    Veron, Punta Cana (Dominican Republic) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The victim was found with a neck wound

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://almomento.net/punta-cana-hallan-cadaver-de-transexual-haitiano-en- matorrales-de-veron/ 25.12.2018


#72 Denisse Hernández Rivero

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    26/12/2018

Location of death:    Tixtla, Guerrero (Mexico) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Denisse was found stabbed in the chest, covered by blankets and in a state of decomposition

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://bajopalabra.com.mx/asesinato-de-denisse-hernandez-confirma-la- homofobia-en-guerrero 26.12.2018


#73 Nicolly Banks

Age:    26

Occupation:    artist

Date of death:    28/12/2018 Location of death:    Uberlândia (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The victim was executed with eleven shots. The neighbors said they heard an argument and then the girl's cries for help. Then shots followed. The information is that Nicolly was going to the gym at the time she was approached by the criminal.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://g1.globo.com/mg/triangulo-mineiro/noticia/2018/12/28/travesti-e-executada- no-bairro-laranjeiras-em- uberlandia.ghtml?fbclid=IwAR1gH8BmpFHpjrANX9dBDgIISu4OU3DGVniWF1j39QR




#74 Valentina Herrera Guzman

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    28/12/2018 Location of death:    Cali (Colombia) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    Not enough information reported

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.facebook.com/1146771458671571/posts/2604345566247479/ 28.12.2018


#75 Melissa Brunely

Age:    20

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    28/12/2018 Location of death:    Linhares (Brazil) Cause of death:    run-over by car

Remarks:    Police said that the victim was already dead when was hit by the cars, and that someone put the body on the road

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.noticiaagora.com.br/policia/2018/12/morte-de-travesti-em-linhares-e- cercada-de-misterio-1014161610.html


#76 Rogéria Paiva

Age:    46

Occupation:    activist/movement leader Date of death:    29/12/2018

Location of death:    Maracanau (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The police reported that she was a community leader and was in conflict with members of a local criminal faction. Rogéria was hit in the cervical and lumbar region. Two men approached and shot her

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://observatoriog.bol.uol.com.br/noticias/2019/01/lider-comunitaria-em-fortaleza- travesti-e-assassinada-enquanto-caminhava-na-rua


#77 Sabrina Santos Vidal

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    other

Date of death:    31/12/2018 Location of death:    Taperoá (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The victim was attacked with a sharp object that may have been a knife.


Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://vemvercidade.com.br/professora-municipal-travesti-e-morta-dentro-de-casa- no-sul-da-bahia-7346/


#78 Devora Montolio

Age:    20

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    01/01/2019

Location of death:    Maimón (Dominican Republic) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Devora was stabbed after an argument with a bricklayer Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://transsa.org/2019/01/01/iniciando-el-2019-asesinan-transexual-en- bonao/


#79 Mikinho Lima dos Santos

Age:    33

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    01/01/2019 Location of death:    Lajeado (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The body was found with shotgun´s wounds Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE //



#80 N.N.

Age:    39

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    01/01/2019 Location of death:    Klang (Malaysia) Cause of death:    other

Remarks:    A trans woman was found dead in the road after being thrown from a moving vehicle, after being accused of steal a cell phone

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://www.malaymail.com/s/1708285/trans-woman-killed-on-new-years-day


#81 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    01/01/2019 Location of death:    Gravataí (Brazil) Cause of death:    other

Remarks:    The victim was rescued but could not resist the injuries. Probably the victim of a physical assault at home

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.facebook.com/falagravatai/photos/gm.1036040379940398/22118810790 60406/?type=3&theater



#82 Laura Muñoz Arcila

Age:    39

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    01/01/2019 Location of death:    Cali (Colombia) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Laura was found in an appartment with wounds

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.elpais.com.co/judicial/asesinan-a-mujer-transgenero-en- tulua.html 06.01.2019


#83 N.N.

Age:    30

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    04/01/2019

Location of death:    Quintana Roo (Mexico) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The victim was shot and the murderers escaped on a motorcycle.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://quintafuerza.mx/quintana-roo/playa-del-carmen/asesinan-travesti- solidaridad/


#84 Carla Girón Lodoño

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    artist

Date of death:    06/01/2019 Location of death:    Tulua (Colombia) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Carla was cited to the place she was found dead

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.elpais.com.co/judicial/asesinan-a-mujer-transgenero-en- tulua.html 06.01.2019


#85 Dana Martin

Age:    31

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    06/01/2019

Location of death:    Montgomery, Alabama (USA) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    was found dead in a roadside ditch in her vehicle with a fatal gunshot wound. Misgendered at first

Sources:    https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-transgender- community-in-2019


#86 Hande Şeker


Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    09/01/2019

Location of death:    Anatolia (Turkey) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Hande was shot by a police officer following a disagreement after his (drunk) friend approached her as a potential client.

Sources:    https://tdor.translivesmatter.info // https://t24.com.tr/haber/trans- kadin-hande-buse-seker-in-oldurulmesi-hakkindaki-davada-ilk-durusma-bugun- gorulecek,827048


#87 Amy Griffiths

Age:    51

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    14/01/2019

Location of death:    Worcestershire (UK) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    Amy was found dead in her flat with head and throat injuries on the night of Monday 14th January. Martin Saberi, 53, has been charged with her murder.

Sources:    https://tdor.translivesmatter.info // https://www.worcesternews.co.uk/news/17367310.murdered-transgender-woman- from-droitwich-was-lgbt-hero/


#88 Alka

Age:    21

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    16/01/2019 Location of death:    Tatapani (India) Cause of death:    tortured

Remarks:    Alka was murdered by two men, who mutilated her genitals before abandoning her body.

Sources:    Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/raipur/raipur-two-youths-kill-mutilate- eunuch/articleshow/67652155.cms


#89 Sussy Montalván

Age:    50

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    17/01/2019

Location of death:    Copiapó (Chile) Cause of death:    strangled/hanged

Remarks:    Sussy was found dead at home after a fire started by her murderer.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/region-de-


atacama/2019/07/12/colectivero-acusado-de-crimenes-en-copiapo-cumplia-pena- por-robos-con-violacion-en-libertad.shtml


#90 Sheilla Prado

Age:    28

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    20/01/2019 Location of death:    Tubarão (Brazil) Cause of death:    other

Remarks:    Sheilla jumped from a bridge after being cornered by pimps Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.gaystarnews.com/article/brazilian-trans-woman-dies-after-jumping-from- bridge-to-escape-pimps/


#91 Quelly da Silva "Jeninha"

Age:    35

Occupation:    seller/merchant Date of death:    21/01/2019 Location of death:    Campinas (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The killer had sex with the transsexual, stole money, electronic gadgets and killed her with glass shards claiming she was a demon. the victim had his chest opened and his heart ripped out

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://liberal.com.br/arquivo- de-noticias/cidades/regiao/travesti-e-morta-e-tem-coracao-arrancado-em-campinas- 946851/


#92 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    14/01/2019

Location of death:    Tamaulipas, Reynosa (Mexico)

Cause of death:    asphyxiation/smoke inhalation/suffocated

Remarks:    The victim was tied up and suffocated with a cable. The facts indicate that the purpose was torture her

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://voxpopulinoticias.com.mx/2019/01/hallan-cuerpo-de-travesti-atado- de-manos-y-pies-en-reynosa/    14.01.2019


#93 Yara Serena Camargo

Age:    17

Occupation:    other

Date of death:    22/01/2019 Location of death:    Recife (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed


Remarks:    The body was found with four stab wounds: two in the neck and two in the back. According to folk, when it started to rain in the morning, a strong odor was felt coming from a wasteland

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.diariodepernambuco.com.br/noticia/vidaurbana/2019/01/corpo-e- encontrado-em-terreno-baldio-em-avancado-estado-de-decomposica.html


#94 Nashley Delgado Segovia

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    23/01/2019 Location of death:    Aldama (Mexico) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Nashly estaba kidnapped since 16/12. Her body was found with a shot in the head

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.eldiariodechihuahua.mx/local/no-hay-avances-en-homicido-de- nashly-20190630-1533855.html 23.01.2019


#95 Jésica Benevidez "Nicky"

Age:    36

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    24/01/2019

Location of death:    Parana (Argentina) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    Jessica was found sitting in a chair, naked. The police consider the scene suspicious.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://www.aimdigital.com.ar/confirmaron-la-identidad-de-la-persona-hallada- muerta-en-parana/ 24.01.2019


#96 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    24/01/2019

Location of death:    Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua (Mexico) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    She was found with her feet tied lying in a vacant lot. Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://diario19.com/archivos/57873/el-cadaver-de-un-hombre-vestido-de- mujer-fue-encontrado-en-las-torres-cd-juarez/


#97 J. da Silva dos Santos

Age:    20

Occupation:    other

Date of death:    25/01/2019 Location of death:    Camaçari (Brazil)


Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    She was hit by multiple gunshots, in the thigh and face. People came to the rescue and took her to Camaçari General Hospital (HGC), but the victim did not resist the injuries and died before being admitted to the health unit.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.simoesfilhoonline.com.br/jovem-travesti-e-morto-com-tiros-no-rosto-em- camacari/


#98 Aysla Souza

Age:    19

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    25/01/2019

Location of death:    Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Cause of death:    beaten

Remarks:    the victim was beaten to death

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://g1.globo.com/rj/sul-do- rio-costa-verde/noticia/2019/01/26/travesti-e-assassinada-a-pauladas-em-barra- mansa.ghtml


#99 Pamela Sandoval Ramírez

Age:    38

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    27/01/2019

Location of death:    Chimalhuacán (Mexico) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    Pamela was found murdered in the salon where she worked Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://voicesinmovement.org/pamela-sandoval-trans-murder-mexico/


#100 Mirna Antonella Di Marzo

Age:    30

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    28/01/2019 Location of death:    Salta (Argentina) Cause of death:    beaten

Remarks:    Mirna was attacked by a stranger, causing her head trauma. In december, she died in the hospital

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://tn.com.ar/sociedad/tras-3-meses-de-agonia-murio-la-mujer-trans- brutalmente-golpeada-en-salta_935903 28.01.2019


#101 Jehangir

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    artist

Date of death:    29/01/2019

Location of death:    Jatta Ismail Khel (Pakistan) Cause of death:    shot


Remarks:    The victim and other trans people were on their way back from performing at a wedding ceremony when they were attacked by armed men on a motorcycle

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Asia Pacific Transgender Network // http://www.peshawartoday.com/news/2811


#102 Ana Paula da Costa Ribeiro

Age:    53

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    30/01/2019

Location of death:    Tramandaí (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The victim was found with several knife marks in a wasteland Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.litoralnarede.com.br/transexual-e-assassinada-com-golpes-de-faca-em- tramandai/?fbclid=IwAR1qfug9fvGsg10T7T6mi4C4qYeTs5XPcW- qIfbIRajvMoi7sFZ1ai5j3KM


#103 Ellie Marie Washtock

Age:    38

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    31/01/2019 Location of death:        (USA) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Ellie was a private citizen investigating the shooting of Michelle O'Connell in 2010, alleged by a serving police officer

Sources:    https://tdor.translivesmatter.info // https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/08/us/michelle-oconnell-death-ellie-washtock.html


#104 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    01/02/2019 Location of death:    Kohat (Pakistan) Cause of death:    other

Remarks:    The patient was left unattended the entire night

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://trendinginpakistan.pk/a-transgender-person-in-kohat-passed-away-because- the-hospital-refused-to-send-a-doctor-to-treat-them/


#105 "La Joha" González Leal

Age:    26

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    02/02/2019

Location of death:    Maracaibo (Venezuela) Cause of death:    beaten


Remarks:    La Joha was beaten after being accused of stealing a cell phone on her way to a party with friends.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.acn.com.ve/mataron-celular-cuando-disponia-fiesta/


#106 Camila Diaz Córdova "Aurora"

Age:    30

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    03/02/2019

Location of death:    San Salvador (El Salvador) Cause of death:    beaten

Remarks:    Camila was arrested, handcuffed, beaten and thrown from a moving police car by the police.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.univision.com/noticias/america-latina/la-lanzaron-de-una- patrulla-en-marcha-videos-implican-a-policias-en-la-muerte-de-mujer-transgenero- deportada-a-el-salvador 31.01.2019 https://www.univision.com/noticias/inmigracion/la-deportaron-a-el-salvador-y-alla-la- asesinaron-la-tragica-historia-de-camila-diaz 24.02.2019


#107 Laly Heredia Escobar "Sonia Laly"

Age:    36

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    03/02/2019

Location of death:    La Matanza (Argentina) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The victim died from a shot

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.canal13sanjuan.com/el-pais/2019/2/3/horror-hallaron-muerta-de- un-balazo-una-travesti-98210.html    03.02.2019

https://la100.cienradios.com/misterioso-estremecedor-crimen-una-chica-trans-la- balearon-sangre-fria-no-se-llevaron-nada/ 04.02.2019


#108 Mellyssa Rodrigues dos Santos

Age:    36

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    04/02/2019

Location of death:    Piracicaba (Brazil) Cause of death:    beaten

Remarks:    The police seized a piece of wood, still stained with blood, that would have been used in the crime. According to the Military Police, the accused confessed to the crime and alleged that he acted jealous because Melissa continued working in sex work

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // http://www.jornaldepiracicaba.com.br/travesti-e-espancada-ate-a-morte-pelo- namorado/



#109 Miriam Rivera

Age:    38

Occupation:    artist

Date of death:    05/02/2019

Location of death:    Hermosillo. Sonora (Mexico) Cause of death:    strangled/hanged

Remarks:    Miriam was found dead by hanging at her home in Hermosillo. Her husband and others think Rivera was murdered and her death made to look like a suicide, possibly for refusing to participate in sex work.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2019/08/miriam-rivera-worlds-first-trans-reality- tv-star-dies-mysterious-circumstances/


#110 Daniele Azevedo

Age:    20

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    08/02/2019 Location of death:    Manaus (Brazil) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    Not enough information reported

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.portaldoholanda.com.br/desparecida/jovem-desaparece-apos-sair-de- hotel-com-amigos-em- manaus?fbclid=IwAR2kQc6pO3KTrwSeAGcs1FiW0Xi47CYwCxgWTKWx4KQdb6Na cM3CHUvupjc


#111 Fabi Cortes Morales

Age:    31

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    08/02/2019

Location of death:    Las Chopas, Veracruz (Mexico) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    According to witnesses, a stranger entered the establishment and shot the victim twice in the head.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://www.m.e-veracruz.mx/nota/2019-02-09/seguridad/ejecutan-joven- trans-y-plagian-medico-encuentran-cuerpo-cercenado 09.02.2019


#112 Lolita

Age:    20

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    08/02/2019

Location of death:    Sonsonate (El Salvador) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Several people attacked Lolita with knives. Due to the brutality of the attack, it would be a hate crime. She died in the hospital


Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://agenciapresentes.org/2019/02/11/odio-en-el-salvador-dos-mujeres- trans-asesinadas-en-una-semana/ 11.02.2019 https://elmundo.sv/autoridades-

reportan-varios-homicidios/ 09.02.2019


#113 Miúda

Age:    30

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    11/02/2019

Location of death:    Niterói (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The body was found naked with four-shot marks, all in the region of the head

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.cadaminuto.com.br/noticia/334149/2019/02/11/travesti-alagoana-e- assassinada-a-tiros-dentro-de-casa-em-nova-iguacu-rj


#114 Kayla Alves

Age:    22

Occupation:    other

Date of death:    11/02/2019

Location of death:    Nova Ipixuna (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The victim was found dead in a residence. Her body had several wounds, probably with a knife

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://portaltailandia.com/para/homossexual-e-morto-a-facada-em-nova-ipixuna-do- para/


#115 Meg Duran

Age:    33

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    15/02/2019

Location of death:    São Paulo (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Murderer always goes through prostitution points shooting transsexuals

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://tvuol.uol.com.br/video/matador-de-travestis-continua-foragido- 04020D993662C4B16326?fbclid=IwAR0L4DyPdgGAJXUGV8edpGI44ZJzbdnOcgN4



#116 Samira Morena

Age:    25

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    16/02/2019

Location of death:    Sorocaba (Brazil)


Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:        Samira was in a bar where would have argued with a boy. Soon after, the victim returned to the front of the bar and fallen, with injuries on her chest. Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.jornalcruzeiro.com.br/sorocaba/mulher-transexual-e-morta-em-bar-de- sorocaba/


#117 Rajathi

Age:    38

Occupation:    religious leader Date of death:    18/02/2019 Location of death:    Thoothukudi (India)

Cause of death:    decapitated/dismembered

Remarks:    Rajathi was a priest, and was killed inside the sanctum sanctorum of a temple. Maruthu and another man entered the temple and attacked her, chopped her body and placed her head outside the temple

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://www.thenewsminute.com/article/trans-woman-was-beheaded-inside-tn- temple-2-days-no-arrest-no-outrage-96913


#118 Nathyelly Cruz

Age:    27

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    21/02/2019 Location of death:    Uruaçu (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The victim had a puncture mark on his face and was half naked. Police reported that after receiving the crime report they went to the place where they found the victim lying on the ground, already dead

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://jornalcorreiopopular.com/2019/02/22/travesti-encontrado-morto-em-uruacu/


#119 V. Barbosa de Aquino

Age:    35

Occupation:    other

Date of death:    21/02/2019 Location of death:    Palmas (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The victim was a teacher. She was found dead in the bathroom, covered with blood and with perforations in the stomach. In various parts of the house there were blood marks and some objects were missing.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://g1.globo.com/to/tocantins/noticia/2019/02/21/professor-e-encontrado-morto- no-banheiro-da-propria-casa-em-palmas.ghtml


#120 Minerva Rubio

Age:    26


Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    21/02/2019

Location of death:    Chihuahua, Chihuahua (Mexico) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    An armed command entered his house, shot at a person who was there and ended up killing Minerva.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.eldiariodechihuahua.mx/local/amp/consterna-segundo- asesinato-de-%e2%80%9ctrans%e2%80%9d-20190221-1480539/ 21.02.2019


#121 Verito

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    activist/movement leader Date of death:    22/02/2019

Location of death:    Quito (Ecuador) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Because of the brutality of the murder, it would be a hate crime. The victim´s body was found with ten stabs

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://tn.com.ar/internacional/revelan-escabrosos-detalles-del-crimen-de-la- referente-trans-lgtb-de-ecuador-recibio-10-punaladas-en_943777 27.02.2019


#122 Mirlla Vasques Arcanjo

Age:    20

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    23/02/2019 Location of death:    Manaus (Brazil) Cause of death:    stoned

Remarks:    At the crime scene, an abandoned shed, the victim's body was thrown away, with his face completely disfigured, police said.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://d.emtempo.com.br/policia/138683/apos-programa-travesti-e-morta-por- cliente-a-tijoladas-em-manaus


#123 N.N.

Age:    49

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    24/02/2019

Location of death:    Castellón de la Plana (Spain)

Cause of death:    asphyxiation/smoke inhalation/suffocated

Remarks:    She was found dead in an orange field. Some sources said of a struck in the head (and that she was 35-40 years old) and others of asphyxia (and 49 years old)

Sources:    Pabo Vergara // https://www.elmundo.es/comunidad- valenciana/castellon/2019/03/01/5c79399721efa06c678b466c.html


#124 Aghata


Age:    25

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    25/02/2019

Location of death:    Manaus (Brazil) Cause of death:    other

Remarks:    Not enough information reported

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.acritica.com/channels/manaus/news/familiares-procuram-informacoes- sobre-paradeiro-de-travesti-desaparecida-em- manaus?fbclid=IwAR1qhsjmR7Q2aVH3S0sSnltNnVKQOva4_KHzccf8UEv2UB- 7SFsSglvkiyw


#125 Ana de Lima

Age:    40

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    26/02/2019

Location of death:        Pacatuba (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The victim was shot in the head and died at the scene near her house. Witnesses heard three shots, and minutes later found Ana's body lying on the ground.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://diariodonordeste.verdesmares.com.br/editorias/seguranca/online/policia- investiga-se-morte-de-travesti-foi-encomendada-1.2068874


#126 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    26/02/2019

Location of death:    Guaiúba (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Not enough information reported

Sources:    Via whatsapp Instituto Brasileiro Trans de Educação/Sayonara Nogueira


#127 Thais

Age:    25

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    27/02/2019

Location of death:    Carapicuiba (Brazil) Cause of death:    decapitated/dismembered

Remarks:    The victim´s body was found beheaded, together with another beheaded body. Witnesses said the second victim it was her partner

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // http://www.webdiario.com.br/noticia/23583/corpos-decaptados-no-paturis-eram-de- travesti?fbclid=IwAR2eAM0AcQ85m_ZMeKsLCwLffP5XiQj0G0fOrDbHe_LY0HQ_uT 8EN4iviac



#128 Pamela Arenceli

Age:    40

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    28/02/2019

Location of death:    La Matanza, Buenos Aires (Argentina) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    They had been threatened for accusing some police officers of trafficking with people. There are seven high-grade police officers involved Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades

Trans // https://www.mundotkm.com/genero/2019/02/12/asesinaron-a-cuatro-chicas- trans-por-denunciar-a-la- 12.02.2019


#129 Maxim Brizuela

Age:    22

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    28/02/2019

Location of death:    La Matanza, Buenos Aires (Argentina) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    They had been threatened for accusing some police officers of trafficking with people. There are seven high-grade police officers involved Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades

Trans // https://www.mundotkm.com/genero/2019/02/12/asesinaron-a-cuatro-chicas- trans-por-denunciar-a-la- 12.02.2019


#130 Laura Gentle Argueta

Age:    31

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    02/03/2019

Location of death:    Rotan, Isla De La Bahia (Honduras) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Laura´s body was found with wounds in the abdomen. Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://tiempo.hn/joven-travestia-fue-asesinado-esta-manana-en-roatan/ 02.03.2019


#131 Brigitte Galván

Age:    20

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    03/03/2019

Location of death:    Yucatán (Mexico) Cause of death:    other

Remarks:    Brigitte was thrown from a pickup truck.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans //


#132 Maylla dos Santos


Age:    29

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    04/03/2019

Location of death:    Coari (Brazil) Cause of death:    strangled/hanged

Remarks:    The victim was found in her mother´s house. The body showed signs of strangulation. Witnesses saw the suspect when he left the house and took a taxi

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://d.emtempo.com.br/policia/139532/com-sinais-de-estrangulamento-corpo-de- travesti-e-encontrado-no-am


#133 Pamela

Age:    21

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    05/03/2019

Location of death:    Santa Luzia do Pará (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Not enough information reported

Sources:    Via whatsapp para Instituto Brasileiro Trans de Educação/Sayonara Nogueira


#134 Maria Paula Murillo Reyes

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    05/03/2019

Location of death:    Costa Rica (Costa Rica) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    Not enough information reported

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.elmundo.cr/costa-rica/comisionado-lgbti-asesinato-de-maria- paula-se-une-a-multiples-muertes-violentas-de-mujeres-trans/ 07.03.2019


#135 La Mariposa

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    06/03/2019

Location of death:    Ciudad del Carmen (Mexico) Cause of death:    strangled/hanged

Remarks:    A trans woman was murdered and her body abandoned in an uninhabited building.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://tribunacampeche.com/policia/2019/03/28/confirmado-la-mariposa- murio-por-estrangulamiento/


#136 Flavia Santana

Age:    35


Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    08/03/2019

Location of death:    Anapolis (Brazil) Cause of death:    strangled/hanged

Remarks:    She was found by her sister with two wrist cuts and hanged inside her apartment. Her friends don´t believe she committed suicide and the police is going to investigate the case

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.facebook.com/anapolisnoticias24h/posts/2178406432474452


#137 Perla

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    08/03/2019

Location of death:    São Paulo (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Not enough information reported

Sources:    Via whatsapp para Instituto Brasileiro Trans de Educação/Sayonara Nogueira


#138 Renata Spencer

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    09/03/2019

Location of death:    Tepeji Del Rio, Hidalgo (Mexico) Cause of death:    stoned

Remarks:    Renata went to a bar and was found dead the next day. She was sexually abused and beaten with a stone

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.excelsior.com.mx/nacional/piden-justicia-para-renata-asesinada- en-tepeji-del-rio/1302642 19.03.2019


#139 N.N.

Age:    30

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    10/03/2019

Location of death:    Jiutepec, Morelos (Mexico) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The victim´s body had several wounds and the neck cut, indicating the brutality of the crime

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.diariodemorelos.com/noticias/encuentran-degollado-un-travesti- en-jiutepec 10.03.2019


#140 Nazab Abid Shaikh

Age:    21

Occupation:    not reported


Date of death:    11/03/2019 Location of death:    Maharashtra (India) Cause of death:    throat cut

Remarks:    Nazab was found murdered in her house, allegedly by her jilted lover.

Sources:    Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://www.hindustantimes.com/pune-news/transgender-s-murder-pune-police- arrest-estranged-lover/story-hc0tgQVwbsYZt5P0CMYTvL.html


#141 Pollita Ruiz

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    13/03/2019

Location of death:    Jiutepec, Oaxaca (Mexico) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Pollita was shot 5 times by two people on a motorcycle Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://desastre.mx/mexico/asesinan-a-mujer-trans-a-balazos-en-oaxaca/


#142 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    13/03/2019

Location of death:    Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua (Mexico) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    Not enough information reported

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.excelsior.com.mx/nacional/piden-justicia-para-renata-asesinada- en-tepeji-del-rio/1302642 12.03.2019


#143 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    13/03/2019

Location of death:    Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua (Mexico) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    Not enough information reported

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://letraroja.com/index.php/encuentran-los-cuerpos-de-dos-travestis/ 13.03.2019


#144 Zaira Betancur

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    14/03/2019

Location of death:    Bogotá (Colombia) Cause of death:    throat cut


Remarks:    Zaira had her throat cut by a man who could not handle the end of their relationship

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://boyaca.extra.com.co/noticias/judicial/degollada-entre-frenesi-de- pasion-y-sangre-de-huila-bogota-508586


#145 Caio Dantas Monteiro

Age:    24

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    16/03/2019

Location of death:    Angra dos Reis (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    According to military police, the man argued with the victim because he had harassed his girlfriend. On the day of the crime, when he came home from work, he saw them in their home village and fetched a knife from his home. Then killed Caio and his girlfriend

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://g1.globo.com/rj/sul-do- rio-costa-verde/noticia/2019/03/16/casal-de-namoradas-e-morto-a-facadas-por- vizinho-em-angra-dos-reis.ghtml


#146 N.N.

Age:    25

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    16/03/2019

Location of death:    Alcaldia Gustavo A. Madero, Ciudad De Mexico (Mexico) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The body was found with the neck cut, covered with a blanket. On the top was a message. It seems a case related to organized crime

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.debate.com.mx/policiacas/Dejan-a-trasvesti-encobijado-y- degollado-junto-a-mensaje-en-Gustavo-A.-Madero-20190316-0064.html    16.03.2019


#147 Mara da Silva

Age:    23

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    17/03/2019

Location of death:    Mossoro (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    In the incident, another trans woman known only as "Rebeka", who would be the owner of the establishment, was also shot and remains hospitalized

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.focoelho.com/2019/03/corpo-de-travesti-baleado-em-afonso.html


#148 Alessandra

Age:    25

Occupation:    not reported


Date of death:    17/03/2019 Location of death:    Buritis (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The victim had perforation in the neck and abdomen region. Residents reported hearing four gunshots and then founded the victim´s body lying on the street. Witnesses said she was at a party and when she returned home a man attacked and shot her

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://g1.globo.com/ro/ariquemes-e-vale-do-jamari/noticia/2019/03/18/travesti-e- assassinada-a-tiros-apos-sair-de-festa-em-buritis-ro.ghtml


#149 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    17/03/2019

Location of death:    Merida, Yucatan (Mexico) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The victim had three stab wounds.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.yucatanalamano.com/atroz-asesinato-de-un-travesti/


#150 B.J.P.

Age:    28

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    20/03/2019

Location of death:    Cancun, Quintana Roo (Mexico)

Cause of death:    asphyxiation/smoke inhalation/suffocated

Remarks:    The victim's body was found naked, wrapped in plastic with signs of torture. Her genitals were severed. In the place there was a message

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://turquesanews.mx/cancun/asesinan-a-travesti-en-colonia-el-milagro- de-cancun/ 20.03.2019


#151 Lara

Age:    24

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    23/03/2019 Location of death:    Belém (Brazil) Cause of death:    beaten

Remarks:    Military Police reported that on arrival the victim was already dead and with several head injuries. Police also said that the residents did not know her; Netizens, however, claim that the young woman was killed in blows, which was not confirmed by police

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.diarioonline.com.br/noticias/policia/noticia-584412-homicidio-e- registrado-no-distrito-industrial-em-ananindeua.html



#152 N.N.

Age:    25

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    23/03/2019 Location of death:    Manaus (Brazil) Cause of death:    stoned

Remarks:    There were blood marks on the head and pieces of brick near the body

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://observatoriomanaus.com/2019/03/em-manaus-travesti-e-encontrado-morto- com-vestigios-de-brutalidade/


#153 Fabricia de Moura Lima

Age:    20

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    24/03/2019 Location of death:    Goiânia (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The victim was killed with five shots on Sunday night (24/3) by a cyclist, three days after she escaped death on Thursday (21/3) in Goiânia. She was found after neighbors heard gunfire. Experts found at least five perforations.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://diaonline.com.br/2019/03/25/transexual-e-morta-tres-dias-apos-conseguir- fugir-de-atirador-em-goiania/?utm_source=Yago+Sales&utm_campaign=diaonline- author


#154 W. Adalí Hernández Rápalo

Age:    22

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    24/03/2019

Location of death:    Villanueva (Honduras) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    After killed her, tried to burn the body

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=334296277278963&id=184710778777 865 24.03.2019


#155 Celaya Méndey Yelada

Age:    19

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    25/03/2019

Location of death:    Aguadulce, Veracruz (Mexico) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    Not enough information reported


Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://diariodelistmo.com/noticiasveracruz/policiaca/41247297/sin-identifican- cuerpo-encontrado-en-agua-dulce.html 25.03.2019


#156 Junu

Age:    33

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    11/03/2019

Location of death:    Kathmandu (Nepal) Cause of death:    beaten

Remarks:    Witnesses said there was a history of abuse

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://thehimalayantimes.com/kathmandu/fir-lodged-in-transgenders-murder


#157 Amma Hajjani

Age:    80

Occupation:    other

Date of death:    26/03/2019 Location of death:    Sindh (Pakistan) Cause of death:    beaten

Remarks:    The tortured body of Haji Hajan was found in the water tank of her home in Bilal Colony, Korangi by members of the transgender community Sources:    Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://tribune.com.pk/story/1938490/1-elderly-transgender-person-murdered- karachi/


#158 Marisol Montenegro

Age:    64

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    27/03/2019

Location of death:    Puerto Montt (Chile) Cause of death:    strangled/hanged

Remarks:    Marisol was murdered in her bed and it was left there for many hours before being found.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.eldesconcierto.cl/2019/03/10/confuso-crimen-de-mujer-trans- enluta-a-puerto-montt-su-cuerpo-fue-encontrado-con-senales-de-golpes-y- estrangulamiento/


#159 Ashanti Carmon

Age:    27

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    30/03/2019

Location of death:    Fairmount Heights, Maryland (USA) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    She was shot multiples times in the street, her partner "couldn´t imagine why someone would want to hurt her"


Sources:    https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-transgender- community-in-2021


#160 Paty Santos

Age:    36

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    30/03/2019

Location of death:    Manaus (Brazil) Cause of death:    strangled/hanged

Remarks:    Was found with signs of strangulation and with tied hands and feet. The victim's room was all overturned and the death was by choke

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.acritica.com/channels/manaus/news/mae-vai-visitar-filho-e-o-encontra- morto-com-sinais-de-estrangulamento-em- manaus?fbclid=IwAR3N1YtZ3NLbrZ2TDKapciiq2EOBX7hOWUanNazHKrYBoBBjbG 9zxW2Vwic


#161 Patricia Rafaela dos Santos Camargo

Age:    24

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    30/03/2019 Location of death:    Maringá (Brazil) Cause of death:    run-over by car

Remarks:    The images showed the victim getting into the truck in front of a city motel. After that, you can see the entire road traveled by the vehicle to a region very close to where the victim was hit

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // http://www.macaubenselife.com.br/2019/05/preso-em-itororo-ba- caminhoneiro.html?m=1


#162 Claudia Vera

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    30/03/2019

Location of death:    Independencia, Lima (Peru) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Two people argued with the victim and shot her

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.americatv.com.pe/noticias/actualidad/independencia-asesinan- travesti-balazo-cabeza-n365399 31.03.2019 https://www.contramuro.com/asesinada-en-peru-activista-trans-claudia-vera/


#163 Jazzaline Ware

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    31/03/2019

Location of death:    Memphis, Alabama (USA)


Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    Found dead in her apartment. First thought was suicide but now being investigated as homicide. One website only publish her age (34)

Sources:    https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-transgender- community-in-2020


#164 Crysllaine Guedes da Silva

Age:    21

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    01/04/2019

Location of death:    Juazeiro do Norte (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The body was found on the floor in a wasteland, and it had stab wounds. According to witnesses, no help was heard

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.facebook.com/metropolitanocariri/photos/a.1598154640419296/2334456 860122400/?type=3&theater//http://cnews.com.br/cnews/noticias/136382/corpo_de_t ravesti_e_encontrado_com_perfuracoes_no_cariri


#165 Eduarda Albuquerque

Age:    22

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    03/04/2019

Location of death:    Angra dos Reis (Brazil) Cause of death:    beaten

Remarks:    The victim had marks of violence on his face and was beaten to death

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://tribunasf.com.br/mulher- e-encontrada-morta-proxima-a-cachoeira-em-angra-dos-reis/


#166 Barbara

Age:    25

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    05/04/2019 Location of death:    Itabuna (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

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Remarks:    He was chased around and killed with at least five gunshots. Police are investigating if the organized crime was involved

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.verdinhoitabuna.blog.br/2019/04/travesti-e-assassinada-em-itabuna- caso.html


#167 N.N.

Age:    34

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    05/04/2019 Location of death:    Jacareí (Brazil)


Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The victim was found lying on the road with apparently five stab marks, four on his chest and one on his back. She was wearing women's clothes and close to the body, there were a wig, a pair of slippers, an earring and a bag with documents and her cellphone

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://g1.globo.com/sp/vale- do-paraiba-regiao/noticia/2019/04/05/corpo-e-encontrado-na-zona-rural-de- jacarei.ghtml


#168 Shalu

Age:    35

Occupation:    activist/movement leader Date of death:    05/04/2019

Location of death:    Kozhikode (India) Cause of death:    strangled/hanged

Remarks:    The body of the 35-year-old woman was found on UKS Road. The police had confirmed it as a case of strangulation. They had also spotted a saree tightly tied around the neck of the victim. A suspect was identified

Sources:    Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/kozhikode/transgenders-murder-police-zero-in- on-main-suspect/article26738547.ece


#169 Sandrielly Vasconcelos

Age:    24

Occupation:    other

Date of death:    06/04/2019 Location of death:    Boa Vista (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The victim had her back burned, tied hands and feet, and was severely cut in the neck.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://g1.globo.com/rr/roraima/noticia/2019/04/06/corpo-achado-queimado-e-com- pes-e-maos-amarrados-em-boa-vista-era-de-travesti.ghtml


#170 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    07/04/2019 Location of death:    Franca (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Not enough information reported

Sources:    Via whatsapp para Instituto Brasileiro Trans de Educação/Sayonara Nogueira


#171 Kasandra Solórzano Romero

Age:    49

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician


Date of death:    08/04/2019 Location of death:    Huila (Colombia)

Cause of death:    asphyxiation/smoke inhalation/suffocated

Remarks:    The police after receiving a call because of a fight, found Kasandra's body tied in her house.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://m.lanacion.com.co/2019/04/08/asesinada-la-estilista- kasandra/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic 08.04.2019


#172 Brenda Plaza Vallejos

Age:    42

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    08/04/2019

Location of death:    Valaparaiso (Chile) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The victim died from a wound in the abdomen.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.publimetro.cl/cl/noticias/2019/04/08/valparaiso-asesinan- punaladas-travesti-cerro-polanco.html 08.04.2019/ http://agenciapresentes.org/2019/04/09/crimen-de-odio-en-valparaiso-asesinaron-a- una-trans/


#173 Marqueza

Age:    31

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    09/04/2019

Location of death:    Campo Grande (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    According to the Civil Police, an armed man wearing a white helmet broke into her house and shot her, while she was sleeping. According to investigators, at the time of the crime, the victim was in the company of three friends. Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.portalmidia.net/pai- de-santo-homossexual-e-executado-a-tiros-enquanto-dormia-em-campina-grande/


#174 Malaj Islas

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    10/04/2019

Location of death:    Puerto De Veracruz, Veracruz (Mexico) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Days before his body was found stabbed, he published in his social networks "I will lose my life"

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://www.m.e-veracruz.mx/nota/2019-04-10/seguridad/joven-gay-del- puerto-predijo-su-muerte-en-facebook 10.04.2019


#175 Juju


Age:    38

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    12/04/2019 Location of death:    Sapezal (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The victim was outside the bar accompanied by a man, until they started to fight and she sought shelter at the bar. But the man entered the establishment, beat her, and stabbed to death. The body had cuts in the neck and arm.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://lapadalapada.com.br/2019/04/12/travesti-e-espancada-e-morta-a-facadas- durante-bebedeira-em-sapezal-mt.html


#176 Ainee Khan

Age:    35

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    13/04/2019 Location of death:    Sindh (Pakistan) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The deceased was stabbed in the head, face, arms and other parts of her body with a knife. The unidentified assailants left Shabana locked inside a room in an injured condition, causing her to bleed to death, said the police Sources:    Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://tribune.com.pk/story/1950514/1-transgender-person-found-dead-karachi- apartment/


#177 Sabrina

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    13/04/2019

Location of death:    João Pessoa (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Arriving at the crime scene, the police found the victim already dead. Residents said they had heard firearm shots in the area.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.maispb.com.br/368510/travesti-e-assassinada-a-tiros-as-margens-da-br- 101-em-joao-pessoa.html


#178 Kenia Hilton

Age:    28

Occupation:    other

Date of death:    15/04/2019

Location of death:    Ciudad de Mexico (Mexico) Cause of death:    other

Remarks:    Kenya was thrown from a bridge and fell in the yard of a house. According to the autopsy, they tortured and murdered her before throwing her away. Kenya had exercised sex work but now she looked after her nephew and had a


credential that took care of the child. The police did not want to work the act as a hate crime because they claimed to be a prostitute.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://agenciapresentes.org/2019/04/24/asesinaron-a-3-mujeres-trans-en-un- mes-en-ciudad-de-mexico/


#179 Claire Legato

Age:    21

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    15/04/2019

Location of death:    Cleveland, Ohio (USA) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    An argument broke out inside the home between John Booth

(61) and victim´s mother. Claire confronted him and was shoted in the head in the front yard

Sources:    https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-transgender- community-in-2022


#180 Nina Surgutskaya

Age:    26

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    15/04/2019 Location of death:    Kursk (Russia) Cause of death:    strangled/hanged

Remarks:    The victim invited a man to his apartment after an appointment. When he realized that she was a trans woman, he felt offended and strangled her. Then he dismembered the body and put the remains in bags and took them to his apartment. Police arrested the suspect, who confessed the crime.

Sources:    TvT poyect // http://ren.tv/novosti/2019-04-23/upustila-vazhnyy- moment-raskryty-shokiruyushchie-obstoyatelstva-ubiystva


#181 Tamara

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    17/04/2019

Location of death:    Ciudad de Mexico (Mexico) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    She was found dead in a hotel. Activist are trying to get in touch with her family

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://agenciapresentes.org/2019/04/24/asesinaron-a-3-mujeres-trans-en-un- mes-en-ciudad-de-mexico/


#182 Becky

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    owner of beauty shop/hair salon/bar/shop Date of death:    19/04/2019


Location of death:    Minatitlan, Veracruz (Mexico) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    An armed group entered the bar calling Becky, shooting her and others.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.elsoldemexico.com.mx/republica/justicia/minatitlan-asesinatos- los-potros-la-becky-sicarios-investigacion-jorge-winckler-veracruz-3354661.html 22.04.2019


#183 E. dos Santos da Rosa

Age:    20

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    19/04/2019 Location of death:    Paraná (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    According to the victim's mother, witness to the murder, her 20- year-old daugther, had a disagreement with her 20-year-old companion who hit her with a knife and fled the scene. The two had a relationship and lived together.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://gmaisnoticias.com/travesti-e-morta-a-facadas-pelo-parceiro-em-laranjal


#184 Jessica Gómez Rúa (Pajarita)

Age:    sex woker

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    21/04/2019

Location of death:    Bucaramanga (Colombia) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Juan Carlos approached Jessica, who was currently working as a sex worker, and stabbed her.

the agressor was captured seconds later by a police patrol

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.vanguardia.com/judicial/presunto-homicida-de-transgenero-en- bucaramanga-fue-enviado-a-la-carcel-lg822863


#185 Natalia Delgado Rubio

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    21/04/2019

Location of death:    Irapuato, Guanajuato (Mexico) Cause of death:    decapitated/dismembered

Remarks:    The victim's body was mutilated and his remains were thrown in plastic bags.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.primerplanoirapuato.com/guanajuato-rojo/tiran-restos-humanos- embolsados-en-el-ranchito/


#186 Haji Noori


Age:    45

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    21/04/2019 Location of death:    Jhansi (India) Cause of death:    beaten

Remarks:    A transgender woman was beaten to death during a clash between two rivals groups because a dispute over money

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kanpur/transwoman-battered-to-death-over- cash-in-jhansi/articleshow/68972465.cms


#187 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    22/04/2019

Location of death:    Fortaleza (Brazil) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    Was found with marks of violence in a bush-lined canal on Avenida J do Conjunto Ceará. Police were at the scene but could not identify the victim

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://cn7.com.br/policia- investiga-assassinatos-e-atentado-contra-homossexuais-durante-o-feriadao/


#188 Rica Reyes

Age:    25

Occupation:    activist/movement leader Date of death:    23/04/2019

Location of death:    Cebu (Philippines) Cause of death:    beaten

Remarks:    Mabini was found in a ravine where some residents often defecate. Police believe the student fell into the ravine after they found wounds on his head and other parts of his body, and said someone may have pulled a prank on Mabini, resulting in his fall. The student’s shorts and underwear were below his waist Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://www.sunstar.com.ph/article/1802582/Cebu/Local-News/LGBT-leader-found- dead-in-a- ravine?fbclid=IwAR0VasZHLxvBAWiF8U95goyI4SFXCRC1xVX7BaFLaF0cI7ZAwP WCsgFnee0


#189 Rayssa dos Santos

Age:    28

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    23/04/2019

Location of death:    Caucaia (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Rayssa was shot in the head. The crime occurred inside a residence


Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2622025917825432&id=16246798042 26720&sfnsn=mo


#190 Catalina Casquete Holguín (Cata)

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    25/04/2019

Location of death:    Ciudad Cuenca, Provincia Guayas (Ecuador) Cause of death:    run-over by car

Remarks:    The victim was attacked. A piece of his tongue was found aside her body

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.eltelegrafo.com.ec/noticias/judicial/12/transexual-asesinato- mujer 26.04.2019


#191 N.N.

Age:    30

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    27/04/2019

Location of death:    Salamanaca, Guanajuato (Mexico) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The victim was found tied by hands and feet, with shots in the head

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://www.noventagrados.com.mx/seguridad/dejan-cuerpo-baleado-de-un- hombre-vestido-de-mujer-en-salamanca-guanajuato.htm 27.04.2019


#192 Yaritza Angélica Millones López

Age:    27

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    28/04/2019

Location of death:    Buenos Aires (CABA) (Argentina)

Cause of death:    asphyxiation/smoke inhalation/suffocated

Remarks:    Her neighbors worried because they stopped seeing her and her pets were restless, They approached the building and as nobody answered, they and the neighbors decided to call 911. The Homicide Division entered and found her body. She had been dead a few days without life

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://agenciapresentes.org/2019/05/06/dejo-peru-para-escapar-del- transodio-la-mataron-en-buenos-aires/


#193 Jasmynne Fontile de Brito

Age:    21

Occupation:    other

Date of death:    30/04/2019 Location of death:    Guarapes (Brazil)


Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Not enough information reported

Sources:    Via whatsapp para Instituto Brasileiro Trans de Educação/Sayonara Nogueira


#194 El Choco

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    02/05/2019

Location of death:    Chihuahua, Chihuahua (Mexico) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The victim was shot in the head, had a lamp in the mouth and was tied

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.gbmradio.com/noticia/89724 02.05.2019


#195 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    02/05/2019 Location of death:    Grajau (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    has been found with several stab wounds to the back and nipple region, plus a monster cut in the neck

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // http://realidadenatela.blogspot.com/2019/05/jovem-e-degolada-e-morta-com- varias.html


#196 Melissa

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    04/05/2019 Location of death:    Bacabal (Brazil) Cause of death:    tortured

Remarks:    She was found with one hand cut and placed in her mouth, as a message that the victim was talking too much. Police confirmed that she was cruelty murdered

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // http://blogdosargentobrito.blogspot.com/2019/05/crueldade-travesti-encontrado- morto-com.html?m=1


#197 Larissa Rodrigues da Silva

Age:    21

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    04/05/2019

Location of death:    São Paulo (Brazil) Cause of death:    beaten


Remarks:    Larissa Rodrigues reportedly turned down an aggressive client and was beaten with a wooden slat. The suspect of the attack struck again with the piece of wood on her head, even though she was already unconscious

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://ponte.org/mulher-trans- e-morta-a-pauladas-na-zona-sul-de-sao-paulo/


#198 Heart Pontanes

Age:    20

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    06/05/2019

Location of death:    Malabon (Philippines) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Heart died while being treated for injuries she had in various parts of the body.

Sources:    Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://diaryobomba.com/metro/make-up-artist-patay-sa-2-nakipag-selfie/


#199 M. Dantas da Silva

Age:    33

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    06/05/2019 Location of death:    Guariba (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The victim was stabbed to death at dawn. According to the Civil Police, an anonymous call reported the crime.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://g1.globo.com/sp/ribeirao-preto-franca/noticia/2019/05/06/corpo-de-travesti-e- encontrado-em-mata-de-preservacao-em-guariba- sp.ghtml//https://noticiasguariba.com.br/blog/conteudo-geral/noticias-de- guariba/falecimento-em-guariba-de-marcelo-dantas-da-silva-33-anos-foi-encontrado- morto-na-mata


#200 Yara Souza

Age:    25

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    10/05/2019

Location of death:    São Paulo (Brazil) Cause of death:    strangled/hanged

Remarks:    The victim, who was without identification documents, was found lifeless, with signs of strangling

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://g1.globo.com/sp/sao- paulo/noticia/2019/05/10/homem-e-preso-suspeito-de-matar-travesti-em-motel-de- diadema-no-abc-paulista.ghtml


#201 Luana

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported


Date of death:    11/05/2019 Location of death:    Maranhao (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Accordind to the police, the victim was a very dangerous criminal and the main suspect in killing one man with a thrashing and another with an ax. She was suspected of drug trafficking and already had several detentions. The criminals broke into the house and inside the room shot Luana in the head, one in the back and two in the arm

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://diariosulmaranhense.com.br/2019/05/14/travesti-do-crime-e-assassinado- com-4-tiros-em- balsas/?fbclid=IwAR2BiqAzL6Kl0_TL_qXRwMkLtRmfy8wURQ071g98hbwxLWEzYF Xy32gmYBE


#202 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    11/05/2019

Location of death:    Uberlandia, Minas Gerais (Brazil)

Cause of death:    asphyxiation/smoke inhalation/suffocated

Remarks:    The victim's body was found on the afternoon of Saturday 11th May in the Monte Hebron neighborhood. She was half naked and had bruises on her arms, legs and head.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2019/05/11/name-unknown_uberlandia- minas-gerais-brazil_6dc7a1a4


#203 Talia Silveira Pacheco Santos

Age:    25

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    12/05/2019

Location of death:    Belo Horizonte (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Her body was already stiff and had marks of 15 knife strikes on the back, head, shoulder and neck. There were indications that there was body struggle before she died

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.otempo.com.br/cidades/travesti-e-encontrada-morta-na-avenida-pedro-i- em-bh-1.2180628// https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2019/05/12/taila-silveira- pacheco-santos_belo-horizonte-minas-gerais-brazil_21e034ec


#204 Gökçe Naz Saygi

Age:    39

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    13/05/2019 Location of death:    Antalya (Turkey) Cause of death:    stabbed


Remarks:    Gökçe was stabbed 7 times in the back in her home. Police found her body after being called to the scene by neighbours. Subsequently, Şahin Yalçın, 20, was arrested in the Kepez region

Sources:    https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2019/05/13/gokce-naz- saygi_antalya-turkey_b7ec8f0d


#205 Natalia

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    13/05/2019

Location of death:    Mexico City (Mexico) Cause of death:    beaten

Remarks:    Natalia was found unresponsive in a building. An investigation for the crime of culpable homicide was opened by the police. As her body was found with breasts exposed and trousers open it is presumed that she also suffered an attempted sexual assault

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2019/05/13/natalia_mexico-city- distrito-federal-mexico_d246bdcc


#206 Dulce

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    14/05/2019

Location of death:    Alcaldia Benito Juarez, Ciudad De Mexico (Mexico) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    It is noted that the victim was sexually abused

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://letraroja.com/index.php/asesinan-a-transexual-en-la-narvarte- presentaba-huellas-de-abuso-sexual/


#207 Bibiu

Age:    25

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    15/05/2019 Location of death:    Fortaleza (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Was found with gunshots in the head and chest. Relatives of the victim said she had no involvement with the crime and the suspicion is that someone tried to rob her cell phone.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://diariodonordeste.verdesmares.com.br/editorias/seguranca/online/travesti-e- assassinada-com-tiros-na-cabeca-e-no-peito-no-conjunto-palmeiras


#208 A. A. Silva Costa

Age:    34

Occupation:    sex worker


Date of death:    16/05/2019 Location of death:    Mineiros (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    According to the police, the victim was shot and then beaten in the head several times with a brick

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.facebook.com/RotaPolicial/posts/1390521041086727


#209 Alana Ferreira

Age:    34

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    16/05/2019

Location of death:    São Paulo (Brazil) Cause of death:    beaten

Remarks:    According to her siblings and friends, she was stabbed and beaten to death by other transsexuals after an argument

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://g1.globo.com/sp/sao- paulo/noticia/2019/05/17/travesti-e-morta-em-sp-e-testemunhas-falam-em- espancamento-policia-registra-como-morte-suspeita.ghtml


#210 Angela Paola Fajardo

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    activist/movement leader Date of death:    18/05/2019

Location of death:    Mixco (Guatemala) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Ángela murió por heridas con un arma cortopunzante Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades

Trans // https://www.publinews.gt/gt/noticias/2019/05/19/mirador-electoral-condena- asesinato-colaboradora-mujer-trans.html 19.05.2019


#211 Muhlaysia Booker

Age:    23

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    18/05/2019

Location of death:    Dallas, Texas (USA) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Found dead of a gunshot wound. Booker was at the center of a video last month where she was seen being brutally attacked outside the Royal Crest Apartments on Wilhurt Avenue in south Dallas

Sources:    https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-transgender- community-in-2023


#212 Michelle 'Tamika' Washington

Age:    40

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    19/05/2019


Location of death:    Philadelphia (USA) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Washington, suffered gunshot wounds to the head, body and buttock, according to police

Sources:    https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-transgender- community-in-2024


#213 Thaylla Rodrigues de Moura

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    19/05/2019

Location of death:    Campo Grande (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The victim had no documents and was wearing jeans, a white shirt and sneakers. She had several tattoos on her back like a rabbit and stars. The body had a perforation near the neck and was lying in a trail of blood.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.midiamax.com.br/policia/2019/travestieencontradaortacomsinais-de- violencia-proximo-ao- terminalbandeirantes//https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2019/05/19/thaylla- rodrigues-de-moura_campo-grande-mato-grosso-do-sul-brazil_627f1d41


#214 Jesusa

Age:    25

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    20/05/2019

Location of death:    Fortin De Las Flores, Veracruz (Mexico) Cause of death:    decapitated/dismembered

Remarks:    The victim was missing. His body was found dismembered, the head was in the municipal palace and the rest of the body in another place.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.presencia.mx/nota.aspx?id=159395&s=7&fbclid=IwAR2uhXnlJiyO99N4S mM3NogbMz2epDb_tXk2bE9B3yn5ce8p1GeCGRKwqEo

#.XONj11JUJH0.link 20.05.2019


#215 Reva Desai

Age:    38

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    21/05/2019 Location of death:    Mumbai (India) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The victim was found brutally killed in her house, 40 Stabs were been found on the body

Sources:    Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://mumbaimirror.indiatimes.com/mumbai/crime/thane-transgender-woman- found-murdered-police-yet-to-make-an-arrest/articleshow/69427178.cms



#216 Paris Cameron

Age:    20

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    25/05/2019 Location of death:    Detroit (USA) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Paris Cameron, was taken to the hospital, where she died from her injuries not long after- Alunte Davis, 21, and Timothy Blancher, 20, two gay men, were found dead at the scene. Two other victims were also shot but survived Sources:    https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-transgender- community-in-2025


#217 Britany

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    26/05/2019

Location of death:    Misantla, Veracruz (Mexico) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Two people on motorcycle shot the victim

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.radioformula.com.mx/noticias/20190527/asesinan-de-dos- balazos-a-joven-gay-en-misantla-veracruz-brayan-sanchez-zarate-mejor-conocido- como-britanny-y-quien-era-parte-del-carnaval-de-misantla-el-asesinato-ocurrio-el/


#218 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    other

Date of death:    26/05/2019

Location of death:    Old Hyderabda City (India) Cause of death:    beaten

Remarks:    In Hyderabad’s old city area, a group of transgender women were attacked by a mob who believed that they were part of a dacoit gang out to kidnap children, based on WhatsApp fake news forwards. One of the women was killed by the mob

Sources:    Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://www.thenewsminute.com/article/transgender-woman-killed-hyderabad-mob- another-victim-fake-whatsapp-forwards-81995


#219 Gala Estefanía Perea

Age:    19

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    26/05/2019

Location of death:    San Isidro de Lules, Tucumán (Argentina) Cause of death:    strangled/hanged

Remarks:    A trans girl was murdered. A person who had a relationship with the victim was apprehended


Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2019/05/26/gala-estefania- perea_san-isidro-de-lules-tucuman-argentina_36eebc31


#220 Elaynne Marques

Age:    27

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    27/05/2019

Location of death:    Lucas do Rio Verde (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Two men arrived to a known prostitution spot on their motorcycles and stopped to ask for the price of the service, when suddenly one of them pulled out a gun and started shoting the victim and other sex workers Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://24horasnews.com.br/noticia/motoqueiros-param-em-ponto-de-prostituicao-e- atiram-matando-uma-travesti.html


#221 R. Adelso Rodriguez Alonzo

Age:    24

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    28/05/2019

Location of death:    Usumatlán, Zacapa (Guatemala) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    R. was found lying on a road with head injuries. She died in hospital.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2019/05/28/r-adelso-rodriguez- alonzo_usumatlan-zacapa-guatemala_f273c40a


#222 Jahy Bianchini

Age:    20

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    30/05/2019

Location of death:    Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Espírito Santo (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Jahy's friend said they were asked for a show by two men who were in a silver-colored Fox Volkswagen vehicle. Upon arriving in the community of Santa Clara, the suspects took a gun and assaulted the victims. Jahy was shot during the assault

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2019/05/30/jahy-bianchini_cachoeiro-de- itapemirim-espirito-santo-brazil_520c0771


#223 leleco

Age:    30

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    30/05/2019


Location of death:    Lucena (Brazil) Cause of death:    beaten

Remarks:    According to the investigations, where the victim was murdered there was a possible crack consumption. Although her father said she was not on drugs

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.op9.com.br/pb/noticias/travesti-e-assassinada-a-pauladas-no-municipio- de-lucena/


#224 Rosinha do Beco

Age:    63

Occupation:    seller/merchant Date of death:    30/05/2019

Location of death:    Morro do Chapéu (Brazil) Cause of death:    beaten

Remarks:    Was beaten to death and had her body burned. The suspect would be a teenager that was seen by security cameras hanging around victim´s house. According to the police, Rosinha worked as a seller and sometimes contracted men to hang out

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // http://pheeno.com.br/2019/06/travesti-de-63-anos-e-morta-a-pauladas-na-bahia- adolescente-de-15-anos-e-principal- suspeito/?fbclid=IwAR0TCF86LBaKLVJ2Vnni_6q4bBchlHTshiNisMuc_QPFoZ6WbY vr9zjCvIs


#225 Rose

Age:    50

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    31/05/2019

Location of death:    Jaboatão dos Guararapes (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Not enough information reported

Sources:    Whatsapp para Instituto Brasileiro Trans de Educação/Sayonara Nogueira


#226 Johana Medina León ("Joa")

Age:    25

Occupation:    other

Date of death:    01/06/2019

Location of death:    El Paso, Texas (USA) Cause of death:    other

Remarks:    Joa was a detained Salvadorian asylum seeker. She had been asking for medical help for nearly 2 months, but ICE only took her to hospital after she lost consciousness

Sources:    https://tdor.translivesmatter.info // https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2019/06/01/johana-medina-leon-joa_el-paso- texas-usa_1b32da9d



#227 Chynal Lindsey

Age:    26

Occupation:    other

Date of death:    01/06/2019 Location of death:    DallasTexas (USA)

Cause of death:    asphyxiation/smoke inhalation/suffocated

Remarks:    Lindsey’s body was found in White Rock Lake with “obvious signs of homicidal violence,” according to Dallas Police. According to her Facebook page, Lindsey worked as a caretaker with Alpha Home Health Care. Police named 22-year-old Ruben Alvarado as the suspect

Sources:    https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-transgender- community-in-2026


#228 Fabiola

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    02/06/2019

Location of death:    Quimistan, Santa Barbara (Honduras) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    Not enough information reported

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://canal6.com.hn/asesinan-a-ciudadano-de-la-comunidad-lgtb-en- quimistan.html?fbclid=IwAR0SvTATGBqEGPx9eFuMBSQn3JmkbkV-

HCC_F51CMzWAkb_W59gUTYtV6WQ 02.06.2019


#229 N.N.

Age:    22

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    03/06/2019

Location of death:    Barranquilla (Colombia) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The victim was killed by a sex work client who refused to pay Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://diariolalibertad.com/sitio/2019/06/03/cliente-mato-a-gay-de-cuatro- punaladas-porque-le-cobro-por-hacer-el-amor


#230 Miranda Pilar Ruiz

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    03/06/2019

Location of death:    El Empalme (Ecuador) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Two trans women went out from a party and was attacked by strangers


Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://letraroja.com/index.php/encuentran-los-cuerpos-de-dos-travestis/ 04.06.2019


#231 Mayte Castro Anay

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    03/06/2019

Location of death:    El Empalme (Ecuador) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Two trans women went out from a party and was attacked by strangers

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://letraroja.com/index.php/encuentran-los-cuerpos-de-dos-travestis/ 04.06.2019


#232 Cecelia Cranko

Age:    48

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    05/06/2019

Location of death:    South Orange, New Jersey (USA) (USA) Cause of death:    burned

Remarks:    Cecelia died in a suspicious fire at her home in the early hours of Friday 5th July. A week earlier she had been the victim of a carjacking and shooting. Two years previously had been attacked by a man who invaded her home.

Sources:    https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2019/07/05/cecelia- cranko_south-orange-new-jersey-usa_a3e2db1b


#233 Chanel Scurlock

Age:    23

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    06/06/2019

Location of death:    Lumberton, California (USA) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Javaras Hammonds is accused of robbing Scurlock, shooting her multiple times and then stealing her car. her body found in a field in Lumberton, N.C., shortly after midnight Wednesday

Sources:    https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-transgender- community-in-2027


#234 Layleen Cubilette Polanco Xtravaganza

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    07/06/2019

Location of death:    Rikers Island, New York (USA) Cause of death:    other


Remarks:    Layleen was found dead in a jail cell in the Rose M. Singer women's facility on Rikers Island. Layleen had been incarcerated for a month on a misdemeanour charge, and was due to be released on 13th June. At the time of her death she was being held in solitary confinement

Sources:    https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2019/06/07/layleen- cubilette-polanco-xtravaganza_rikers-island-new-york-usa_348e3f2b // https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-transgender-community-in-2019


#235 Shakira (La Moy)

Age:    20

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    08/06/2019

Location of death:    Choloma, Cortés (Honduras) Cause of death:    stoned

Remarks:    Shakira was stoned to death by a group of men. Her body lay in the street in full view of her frightened neighbours before the police finally removed it several hours later

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2019/06/08/shakira-la- moy_choloma-cortes-honduras_09e37444


#236 Pamela

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    10/06/2019 Location of death:    Maringá (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Images from surveillance cameras caught moments after the victim was shot in the back. In the image, she throws an object on the floor and, moments later, a man collects this object.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://g1.globo.com/pr/norte- noroeste/noticia/2019/06/10/imagens-mostram-travesti-baleada-no-centro-de- maringa.ghtml


#237 Alex Milkovich

Age:    19

Occupation:    other

Date of death:    10/06/2019 Location of death:    Nytva (Russia) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    Alex went to the city of Nytvia to met a men the on june first and disappeared. He was found dead in the same city on june 10.

Sources:    TvT proyect // https://59.ru/text/criminal/66128764/


#238 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported


Date of death:    11/06/2019 Location of death:    Queretaro (Mexico) Cause of death:    beaten

Remarks:    A trans person was thrown from a truck on the road where he was found and taken to the hospital, where he died

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://www.eluniversalqueretaro.mx/nuestras-historias/la-dejan-en-la- morgue-por-ser-diferente



#239 Zoe Spears

Age:    23

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    13/06/2019

Location of death:    Fairmonut Heights, Maryland (USA) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Spears was found dead in the street, gunned down just blocks away from the scene of Carmon’s (Ashanti) slaying. Spears said she had witnessed her friend Ashanti Carmon’s killing in March, according to Budd, and was afraid that returning to where the fatal shooting occurred

Sources:    https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-transgender- community-in-2028


#240 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    14/06/2019

Location of death:    Municipio Coatzintla, Veracruz (Mexico) Cause of death:    beaten

Remarks:    The victim was found with feet and hands tied and beaten to death.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.diariodexalapa.com.mx/policiaca/muerto-y-maniatado-hallan-a- travesti-dentro-de-su-cuarto-en-coatzintla-3766983.html    14.06.2019


#241 Nahara

Age:    43

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    16/06/2019

Location of death:    Fortaleza (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    was found with gunshot wounds

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // http://cnews.com.br/cnews/noticias/139074/travesti_e_assassinada_a_tiros_em_hori zonte


#242 Maycon Clebes dos Reis


Age:    22

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    16/06/2019

Location of death:    Coromandel (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    At the scene there were some people who reported not hearing any noise or shouting, and that just found the victim lying on the floor, killed by knife strike. A witness who lived with the victim said that when arrived early at their home, she was with more than four unknown men, drinking alcohol

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.patrocinioonline.com.br/noticia/travesti-de-22-anos-e-morta-a-golpe-de- faca-em-coromandel-30777.html


#243 Dafne Yilmaz

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    16/06/2019

Location of death:    Afyonkarahisar (Turkey) (Turkey) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Dafne was found dead in her bathroom on 16th June. She had been stabbed in the body and neck.


Her killer was arrested the following day

Sources:    https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2019/06/16/defne- yilmaz_afyonkarahisar-turkey_c99011bd


#244 Pollyane Weneck

Age:    22

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    16/06/2019

Location of death:    Coromandel (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    At the scene there were some people who reported not hearing any noise or shouting, that just found the victim lying on the floor, killed by a knife strike. A witness who lived with the victim said that when arrived early at their home, she was with more than four unknown men, drinking alcohol

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.patrocinioonline.com.br/noticia/travesti-de-22-anos-e-morta-a-golpe-de- faca-em-coromandel-30777.html


#245 Lohane (Jasmine)

Age:    21

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    17/06/2019

Location of death:    Palmares (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed


Remarks:    Lohane was reportedly killed at the suspect's house after a fight between them. The victim had stab marks on her body, especially on her chest and upper arm. Was found without much clothes on

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://novamais.com/noticias/63886/travesti-e-encontrada-morta-a-facadas-em- palmares


#246 Monica Devain

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    artist

Date of death:    18/06/2019

Location of death:    Jiutepec, Morelos (Mexico) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The victim was stabbed and thrown into a sewage canal. She could ask for help, but died in the hospital.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://twitter.com/julywood90210/status/1008867507875303431?s=19


#247 Doris Hernandez

Age:    21

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    21/06/2019

Location of death:    Guadalajara, Jalisco (Mexico) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    Not enough information reported

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.facebook.com/100000995233423/posts/2361299797246505/ 21.06.2019


#248 Brooklyn Lindsey

Age:    32

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    25/06/2019

Location of death:    Kansas City (USA) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Found dead on a porch of an abandoned home, with signs of trauma in her face. Neighbors told police they heard an argument followed by multiple gunshots

Sources:    https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-transgender- community-in-2029


#249 J.P. Moreno

Age:    36

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    25/06/2019

Location of death:    Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz (Mexico) Cause of death:    shot


Remarks:    A transsexual woman was shot dead on Tuesday in the parking lot

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2019/06/25/j-p- moreno_coatzacoalcos-veracruz-mexico_d08b5316


#250 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    28/06/2019

Location of death:    Multan (Pakistan) Cause of death:    tortured

Remarks:    Police in Pakistan say they have found the bodies of two transgender women who were tortured and beaten to death.

The bodies were recovered late Saturday from a locked house in the Sahiwal district of the eastern Punjab province. It’s unclear what motivated the killings, which appear to have taken place three days ago.

Sources:    Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://apnews.com/79f866a3ff304fae9344c9bdfe8cfc1c


#251 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    28/06/2019

Location of death:    Multan (Pakistan) Cause of death:    tortured

Remarks:    Police in Pakistan say they have found the bodies of two transgender women who were tortured and beaten to death.

The bodies were recovered late Saturday from a locked house in the Sahiwal district of the eastern Punjab province. It’s unclear what motivated the killings, which appear to have taken place three days ago.

Sources:    Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://apnews.com/79f866a3ff304fae9344c9bdfe8cfc1c


#252 Maya

Age:    19

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    01/07/2019

Location of death:    Khyber Pukhtunkhwa (Pakistan) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Maya was living with friends. Her family attempted to bring her home on Saturday, but her friends, concerned for her safety, contacted the police. The officers allowed family members to take Maya home to the city of Nowshera. Maya’s bullet-ridden body was discovered just hours later, on Saturday night, beside a river bank in Nowshera. Her father was arrested and the police is looking for her uncle.



Sources:    Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/pakistan-transgender-woman- murdered-peshawar-aurangzeb-akbar-a8981936.html


#253 Jessica

Age:    23

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    02/07/2019

Location of death:    Araguaina (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    She was working as a prostitute when a frequent customer arrived on the scene on a black motorcycle at night. He would have asked the young woman to return a cellphone that had been stolen. The girl was shot in the head Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://g1.globo.com/to/tocantins/noticia/2019/07/02/travesti-e-morta-a-tiros-em- avenida-de-araguaina.ghtml


#254 Antonia Laínez Larios

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    03/07/2019

Location of death:    El Negrito, Yoro (Honduras) (Honduras) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Antonia was shot several times at around 5:50pm on Wednesday 3rd July. She was a stylist

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://tiempo.hn/a-balazos-ultiman-a-miembro-de-la-comunidad-lgtb-en- yoro/


#255 Santi

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    artist

Date of death:    06/07/2019

Location of death:    Puerto Cortés, Honduras (Honduras) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    It is believed that she was shot at 4 avenida and calle 15 after being approached by a group of people. At the time she was on her way to have dinner with friends or contacts.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2019/07/06/santiago-carvajal- santi_puerto-cortes-honduras_0cc16e97


#256 Shakira Fernandez de la Hoz

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    07/07/2019


Location of death:    Medellin, Antioquia (Colombia) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Shakira was killed by another trans woman because of the rent. The aggressor is arrested

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.alertapaisa.com/noticias/antioquia/transgenero-mato-en- medellin-su-amiga-shakira 24.07.2019


#257 Bessy Michelle Ferrera

Age:    40

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    08/07/2019

Location of death:    Comayaguela (Honduras) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Bessy and a colleague were shot while waiting for customers at around 1am on Monday 8th July. Her colleague survived.


Police arrested two suspects.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2019/07/08/bessy-michelle- ferrera_comayaguela-distrito-central-honduras_cddbdbeb


#258 Carly

Age:    26

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    10/07/2019

Location of death:    Oaxaca, Oaxaca (Mexico) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Emergency services arrived at the scene and took her to the hospital where she died. It could have been a robbery or a fight

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.elgraficodelacosta.com/asesinan-a-joven-homosexual-originario- de-san-pedro-pochutla


#259 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    10/07/2019

Location of death:    San Luis, San Luis Potosi (Mexico) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The victim's body showed signs of torture and a shot in the head. Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://sanluispotosi.quadratin.com.mx/sucesos/de-travesti-el-cadaver- encontrado-en-zona-industrial/    19.07.2019


#260 Lucia Barrera

Age:    36


Occupation:    artist

Date of death:    14/07/2019

Location of death:    Parana, Entre Rios (Argentina) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    A friend found the victim's body in her house. She was killed with 18 stabs. There were no signs of theft.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://tn.com.ar/policiales/asesinaron-de-18-punaladas-una-escritora-trans- en-su-casa_979848 19.07.2019


#261 Angie Digiacomo

Age:    38

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    17/07/2019

Location of death:    Buenos Aires (Argentina) Cause of death:    other

Remarks:    She was attacked by dogs. Police investigate whether the owner let the dogs out on purpose. The victim's partners said he was angry because they worked on the street where he lives.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.clarin.com/sociedad/pitbull-asesinaron-travesti- moreno_0_nd7phRdvq.html 17.07.2019 https://tn.com.ar/sociedad/los- escalofriantes-detalles-de-la-autopsia-al-cuerpo-de-la-travesti-que-murio-atacada- por-pitbulls_979226 17.09.2019


#262 S. Medina

Age:    48

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    18/07/2019 Location of death:    Salta (Argentina)

Cause of death:    asphyxiation/smoke inhalation/suffocated

Remarks:    S. was found dead in a swimming pool in a property belonging to the family or relatives of a retired federal judge.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.diariopanorama.com/noticia/325941/conmocion-salta-hallan-sin- vida-travesti-flotando-piscina


#263 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    10/07/2019

Location of death:    San Luis, San Luis Potosi (Mexico) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The victim's body showed signs of torture and a shot in the head. Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://sanluispotosi.quadratin.com.mx/sucesos/de-travesti-el-cadaver- encontrado-en-zona-industrial/    19.07.2019



#264 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    12/07/2019

Location of death:    Alcaldia Xochimilo, Ciudad De Mexico (Mexico) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    The neighbors said they found the body floating in the lake Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://letraroja.com/index.php/hallan-cadaver-putrefacto-de-un-travesti-en- embarcadero-de-xochimilco/ 12.07.2019


#265 Denali Berries Stuckey

Age:    29

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    20/07/2019

Location of death:    North Charleston, North Carolina (USA) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Stuckey, 29, was found lying by the side of a road shortly after 4 a.m

Sources:    https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-transgender- community-in-2030


#266 N.N.

Age:    22

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    24/07/2019 Location of death:    Nagrakata (India) Cause of death:    beaten

Remarks:    The victim was beaten to death on suspicion of being a child lifter in West Bengal's Jalpaiguri district on Monday. The incident took place in Nagrakata. The police reached the spot as soon as the incident was reported. "We managed to rescue the victim but the person died on the way to the hospital. No incident of child kidnapping was taken place. These are simply rumors spread by the people"



Sources:    Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://www.deccanherald.com/national/east-and-northeast/transgender-beaten-to- death-in-west-bengal-749337.html


#267 Sandy

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    owner of beauty shop/hair salon/bar/shop Date of death:    24/07/2019

Location of death:    Chilpancingo, Guerrero (Mexico) Cause of death:    shot


Remarks:    She was killed inside a bar

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.elsoldeacapulco.com.mx/local/estado/condenan-asesinato-de- un-transexual-en-chilpancingo-guerrero-acapulco-violencia-inseguridad-policiaca- noticia-hoy-3948809.html 25.07.2019


#268 Bubba Walker

Age:    54

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    27/07/2019 Location of death:    Charlotte (USA) Cause of death:    burned

Remarks:    Bubba's body was found after a fire in an abandoned house Sources:    https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-transgender- community-in-2019 // https://wtop.com/national/2019/09/police-investigate-after- transgender-womans-body-found/


#269 Muskan

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not  reported Date of death:    27/07/2019 Location of death:    Multan (Pakistan) Cause of death:    tortured

Remarks:    Two transgender women were tortured and beaten to death Sources:    Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/2-transgender-women-tortured-and-killed-in-pakistan- police-say-1.4526785


#270 Nadia

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not  reported Date of death:    27/07/2019 Location of death:    Multan (Pakistan) Cause of death:    tortured

Remarks:    Two transgender women were tortured and beaten to death Sources:    Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/2-transgender-women-tortured-and-killed-in-pakistan- police-say-1.4526785


#271 Tracy Single

Age:    22

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    30/07/2019 Location of death:    Houston (USA) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Police said she was found dead with a puncture wound and several lacerations in a gas station parking lot


Sources:    https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-transgender- community-in-2034


#272 Kiki Fantroy

Age:    21

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    31/07/2019

Location of death:    Miami, Florida (USA) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Fantroy was returning home from a party with a group of people when she was offered for sex, Fantroy rejected the offer from the teen before the juvenile began shooting at another member of the group. The teen allegedly chased down Fantroy before opening fire and shooting Fantroy to death

Sources:    https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-transgender- community-in-2031


#273 Jordan Cofer

Age:    22

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    04/08/2019

Location of death:    Dayton, Ohio (USA) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    22-year-old transgender man Jordan Cofer was among nine people shot dead in the August 4 attack in Dayton, Ohio, which was perpetrated by his brother Connor Betts. Connor at first was misgendered by the media



Sources:    https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-transgender- community-in-2032


#274 Pebbles LaDime “Dime” Doe

Age:    24

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    04/08/2019

Location of death:    Allendale County (USA) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Doe was found Sunday by a passerby. She slumped over the steering wheel of her car after she was shot

Sources:    https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-transgender- community-in-2033


#275 Rosalinda Pérez Berigüete

Age:    37

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    04/08/2019

Location of death:    San Juan Maguana (Dominican Republic) Cause of death:    stabbed


Remarks:    The victim died of several stab wounds. Two people were arrested as responsible

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://m.cdn.com.do/2019/08/04/san-juan-la-maguana-asesinan-travesti- varias-punaladas/ 04.08.2019


#276 Gabriele Oliveira

Age:    21

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    05/08/2019

Location of death:    Belo Jardim (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The victim was in a closed bar with a man. Both killed when the place was under shootings. The familiy think was by mistake because he knew no one in town

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // http://www.angelolima.com/2019/08/travesti-patoense-e-morto-tiros-em-belo.html


#277 Karla Fernanda Silva

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    05/08/2019

Location of death:    La Maná, Cotopaxi (Ecuador) Cause of death:    other

Remarks:    Karla was poisoned as a result of taking diet pills. The drugs are suspected to have contained rat poison.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.reuters.com/article/ecuador-lgbt-violence-idUSL2N254197


#278 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    06/08/2019

Location of death:    Tecoman, Colima (Mexico) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    He was shot dead. No suspects

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.colimanoticias.com/asesinan-en-tecoman-a-un-transgenero/ 06.08.2019


#279 J. A. Cermeño Medina

Age:    31

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    07/08/2019

Location of death:    Caracas (Venezuela) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    J.'s body was found with 3 shots on the street.


Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.elperiodiquito.com/noticias/106582/Transexual-fue-hallado-sin- vida-en-la-Av-Bolivar


#280 Angi García "La Gata"

Age:    40

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    07/08/2019

Location of death:    Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas (Ecuador) Cause of death:    strangled/hanged

Remarks:    Angi was found dead by her family

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.reuters.com/article/ecuador-lgbt-violence-idUSL2N254197


#281 Alondra García

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    08/08/2019

Location of death:    Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua (Mexico) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Alondra was found at home

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://contactoinformativo.com.mx/matan-a-transexual-en-cd-juarez-vivia-en- chinameca/ 09.08.2019


#282 Aylin Hernández Gómez

Age:    34

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    11/08/2019

Location of death:    San Cristóbal de las Casas (Mexico) Cause of death:    strangled/hanged

Remarks:    Aylin's body was found covered with a blanket with signs of sexual violence.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.sinembargo.mx/13 08-2019/3628613


#283 W. Félix de Oliveira

Age:    29

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    11/08/2019

Location of death:    Maracanaú (Brazil) Cause of death:    stoned

Remarks:    W. was beaten by two men who wanted to rob her. They were later arrested

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://g1.globo.com/ce/ceara/noticia/2019/09/19/dupla-e-presa-suspeita-de-matar- transexual-por-furto-de-celular-em-area-dominada-por-faccao-em-maracanau.ghtml



#284 Sara Miranda de Souza

Age:    41

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    12/08/2019

Location of death:    Frutal (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The victim and the suspect would have bought an alcoholic beverage and then argued. The suspect would then have struck the victim.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://triangulonoticias.com/vitima-e-morta-e-suspeito-e-preso-com-marcas-de- sangue-no-corpo/


#285 Abril Navarro Salazar

Age:    26

Occupation:    waitress/waiter/bartender Date of death:    15/08/2019

Location of death:    Alvaro Obregon, Ciudad De Mexico (Mexico) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    April went to buy drugs with another trans woman, and instead a man attacked her. It is thought that it was a planned crime

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://letraroja.com/index.php/matan-a-transexual-cuando-iba-por-drogas-en- la-alvaro-obregon/ 15.08.2019


#286 Nathacha Ruby Flores

Age:    26

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    19/08/2019

Location of death:    Quito (Ecuador) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    She was killed with a stab in the chest.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/federacion-lgbti-denuncia-asesinato- trans.html 19.08.2019


#287 N.N.

Age:    25

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    19/08/2019

Location of death:    Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua (Mexico) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    The police found the victim's body. There is not much information about it.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://diario.mx/juarez/era-de-hombre-cadaver-hallado-en-arroyo-estaba- vestido-de-mujer-20190819-1552453.html 19.08.2019



#288 Aline da Silva

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    activist/movement leader Date of death:    20/08/2019

Location of death:    Arcoverde (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    She was murdered at dawn on Aug. 19 with a stab in the neck as she was leaving a party by a man who didn't know her, simply saw her at the bus stop and decided to hurt her

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // http://desacato.info/militante- aline-da-silva-travesti-sem-terra-e- assassinada/?fbclid=IwAR00MSTV4zNHJ46NlpNffxK3C1Bv8nDXKw5fx7Tvzv3ljqDi GmLCi_JVzQ8


#289 Kate Maikelly de Jesus Barbosa

Age:    14

Occupation:    other

Date of death:    21/08/2019

Location of death:    Teixeira de Freitas (Brazil) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    In the body were found two injuries that according to the report were not the cause of death . The place is used by drug users and people who go to the place for clandestine encounters.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://bahiaextremosul.com.br/artigo/travesti-encontrada-morta-em-terreno-baldio-e- identificada-por-familiares


#290 Ashley

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    activist/movement leader Date of death:    22/08/2019

Location of death:    Huajuapan De Leon, Oaxaca (Mexico) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    The victim was in the company of the defendant in a park, when he attacked her with a sharp object, causing a wound that minutes later caused her death.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.nvinoticias.com/nota/123807/acusan-presunto-crimen-de-odio- muere-un-integrante-de-la-comunidad-lgbtttiq 22.08.2019 https://www.nvinoticias.com/nota/124204/cae-presunto-asesino-de-ashley


#291 Daniela Martinez

Age:    53

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    22/08/2019

Location of death:    Cicuco (Colombia)


Cause of death:    beaten

Remarks:    Daniela was beaten and died in the hospital. She had been attacked twice before. She was found tied and with her feet burned

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://caracol.com.co/emisora/2019/08/22/cartagena/1566429001_917809.html 22.08.2019


#292 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    24/08/2019

Location of death:    Iztapalapa, Ciudad De Mexico (Mexico) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    The victim was seen with two clients, who later killed her Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans //


#293 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    24/08/2019

Location of death:    Acapulco, Guerrero (Mexico) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    She was shot several times by two strangers on a motocycle. It would be an execution, since they shot her without reason.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://laverdadnoticias.com/crimen/Asesinan-a-travesti-cerca-de-hospital- privado-de-Acapulco-Guerrero-20190824-0040.html 24.08.2019


#294 Hani

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    26/08/2019

Location of death:    Mansehra (Pakistan) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Hani was shot by men who broke into her house Sources:    Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/2019/08/27/transgender-person-killed-in- mansehra/


#295 Roberta "Xirrara" Rodrigues

Age:    44

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    30/08/2019 Location of death:    Inhumas (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot


Remarks:    Roberta was killed with a firearm

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.portaldaepoca.com.br/2019/08/noite-violenta-transexual-e-uma-das- vitimas-de-homicidio-em-inhumas/


#296 Sana Khan

Age:    16

Occupation:    artist

Date of death:    30/08/2019

Location of death:    Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Sana was a musician. She was killed by her brother. Sources:    Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://www.tnn.com.pk/brother-kills-pashto-singer-in-swat-says-the-police/


#297 Brigitte Escalona Escobar

Age:    21

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    31/08/2019

Location of death:    Caracas (Venezuela)

Cause of death:    asphyxiation/smoke inhalation/suffocated Remarks:

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://www.ultimasnoticias.com.ve/noticias/sucesos/asesinan-a-golpes-a-un- peluquero-transexual/


#298 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    31/08/2019 Location of death:    Santiago (Chile) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    A trans woman from Colombia was stabbed after a failed attempted robbery

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/region- metropolitana/2019/08/31/transexual-muere-tras-incidente-en-el-centro-de- santiago.shtml


#299 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    03/09/2019

Location of death:    Ziguatanejo, Guerrero (Mexico) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    She was killed with a shot in the head outside a bar by hitmen


Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://laopinion.com/2019/09/02/sicarios-matan-a-travesti-con-un-disparo- en-la-cabeza/ 02.09.2019


#300 Andra Mora López

Age:    26

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    03/09/2019

Location of death:    Tequendama (Colombia) Cause of death:    run-over by car

Remarks:    The causes that led to death are still unclear. She suffered trauma to a large part of her body, especially in the cranial area. It is said that it was rammed by a vehicle that fled after the incident happened

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.alertatolima.com/noticias/judicial/chica-trans-que-murio-en-altos- de-gualanday-fue-identificada-por-las-autoridades 05.09.2019


#301 Bailey Reeves

Age:    17

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    04/09/2019 Location of death:    Baltimore (USA) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    found with multiple gunshots to her torso

Sources:    https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-transgender- community-in-2035


#302 Bee Love Slater

Age:    23

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    04/09/2019

Location of death:    Clewiston, Florida (USA) Cause of death:    burned

Remarks:    the victim was tied up and it was shot before she was incinerated. The office is investigating the case as a possible hate crime

Sources:    https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-transgender- community-in-2036


#303 Victoria Santos Falcão

Age:    25

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    05/09/2019

Location of death:    juina (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The criminals reportedly broke down the back door of the residence and approached the victim lying on the couch. At least two gunshots were heard, one of which hit the chest and the other to the left arm.


Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://omatogrosso.com/juina- travesti-e-morta-dentro-da-propria-casa/


#304 Yuri Gabriel Castro Farias

Age:    20

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    06/09/2019 Location of death:    Fortaleza (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    She was dragged down the street and then killed with three headshots. Police confirmed that the victim had drug trafficking tickets but do not rule out that was a transphobic crime

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://noticias.uol.com.br/cotidiano/ultimas-noticias/2019/09/07/homem-trans-e- amarrado-em-poste-e-morto-com-tres-tiros-na-cabeca-no- ceara.htm?cmpid=copiaecola


#305 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    07/09/2019

Location of death:    Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua (Mexico) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    The victim's body was mutilated and the remains were thrown in different places.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://diario.mx/juarez/tiran-a-dos-descuartizados-en-distintos-puntos-de-la- ciudad-20190907-1559449.html 07.09.2019


#306 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    07/09/2019

Location of death:    Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua (Mexico) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    The victim's body was mutilated and the remains were thrown in different places.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://diario.mx/juarez/tiran-a-dos-descuartizados-en-distintos-puntos-de-la- ciudad-20190907-1559449.html 07.09.2019


#307 Ana Paula

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    07/09/2019

Location of death:    Jiutepec, Morelos (Mexico) Cause of death:    beaten


Remarks:    The neighbors heard screams and called the police. Ana Paula had been beaten with a hammer.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.24morelos.com/detienen-a-asesino-de-mujer-transexual-en- jiutepec/ 07.09.2019


#308 Carolinne Dias

Age:    27

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    07/09/2019

Location of death:    Santa Maria (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    shot dead in the back

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://g1.globo.com/rs/rio- grande-do-sul/noticia/2019/09/08/em-menos-de-24h-duas-mulheres-trans-sao- assassinadas-em-santa-maria.ghtml


#309 Nemer da Silva Rodrigues

Age:    37

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    07/09/2019

Location of death:    Santa Maria (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    Was murdered with 13 knife blows, found near a gym. Neighbors heard screams and called the police

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://g1.globo.com/rs/rio- grande-do-sul/noticia/2019/09/08/em-menos-de-24h-duas-mulheres-trans-sao- assassinadas-em-santa-maria.ghtml


#310 N.N.

Age:    33

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    10/09/2019

Location of death:    Belo Horizonte (Brazil) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    During the night one of the room neighbors reported hearing sexual noises coming from the victim's room. Was found semi naked on the floor Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://www.em.com.br/app/noticia/gerais/2019/09/10/interna_gerais,1083982/travest i-e-encontrada-morta-em-republica-no-bairro-carlos-prates.shtml


#311 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    10/09/2019

Location of death:    Cartagena (Colombia) Cause of death:    not reported


Remarks:    The victim's body was found in a state of decomposition near a drainage channel.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // http://noticiascartagena.co/2019/09/10/hallan-cadaver-en-el-sector-terraplen- en-el-pozon/


#312 Ja'leyah Jamar

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    13/09/2019

Location of death:    Kansas City (USA) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The victim was gender expansive, was shot to death Sources:    https://tdor.translivesmatter.info // https://www.advocate.com/crime/2019/9/16/transgender-woman-jaleyah-jamar- murdered-kansas-activists-say


#313 Shokir Shavkatov

Age:    25

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    13/09/2019

Location of death:    Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Cause of death:    decapitated/dismembered

Remarks:    The two men who took away Shokir Shavkatov the previous night from a nightclub introduced themselves as ethics police. After media published details of a hate crime, local activists confirmed gender identity of a victim as trans woman.

Sources:    Local activists and https://www.rferl.org/a/uzbek-gay- murder/30163009.html


#314 Luana Piovani

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    15/09/2019

Location of death:    Senador Elói de Souza (Brazil) Cause of death:    stoned

Remarks:    Not enough information reported

Sources:    Whastaspp para Instituto Brasileiro Trans de Educação/Sayonara Nogueira


#315 Bruna Torres

Age:    26

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    15/09/2019

Location of death:    São Carlos (Brazil) Cause of death:    other


Remarks:    The victim had a broken neck and showed signs of violence on the face, bruising of the eyes and bleeding from the mouth and nose. According to the report, the body was found on Sunday (15) by officials of the Department of Roads and Road (DER)

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://g1.globo.com/sp/sao- carlos-regiao/noticia/2019/09/17/travesti-encontrada-morta-com-maos-e-pes- amarrados-em-sao-carlos-e-identificada-pela-policia.ghtml


#316 Reena

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    16/09/2019 Location of death:    Baiyapur (India) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    She was found dead with a 19 years old youth on the railway tracks

Sources:    Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chandigarh/sonipat-youth-transgender-found- dead/articleshow/71161995.cms


#317 Elisha Chanel Stanley

Age:    46

Occupation:    other

Date of death:    16/09/2019 Location of death:    Pittsburgh (USA) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    The circumstances of Stanley’s death have not yet been determined. But two weeks after her death,DeVar Ferguson — a close friend of Stanley's — believes her death is suspicious. According to Ferguson, Stanley was going to gathering Saturday evening, but never showed.

Sources:    https://tdor.translivesmatter.info // https://www.pghcitypaper.com/pittsburgh/black-transgender-woman-elisha-stanleys- death-confirmed-circumstances-still-unknown/Content?oid=15962755


#318 Jessa Remiendo

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    17/09/2019

Location of death:    Bolinao (Philippines) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The stripped and bloodied body of Jessa Remiendo was found on the white sand shore of Patar

Sources:    Asia Pacific Transgender Network // https://cnnphilippines.com/regional/2019/9/18/Transgender-woman-Jessa-Remiendo-

Pangasinan-killing.html #319 N.N.


Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    17/09/2019

Location of death:    Dushanbe (Tajikistan) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    А trans woman sex worker was raped, killed by a knife, and thrown into the water. Friends and parents confirmed the trans identity by recognizing in a video that police showed to other trans women to threatened them.

Sources:    Local organisation


#320 Emmanuelle Agostinho da Silva Barros "Manu"

Age:    25

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    19/09/2019

Location of death:    Santo André (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    A truck driver stabbed her in a prostitution spot Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE //

https://recordtv.r7.com/balanco-geral-manha/videos/caminhoneiro-mata-travesti-a- facadas-em-santo-andre-sp-19092019


#321 Leandro Parra Hermosilla

Age:    15

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    19/09/2019

Location of death:    Coyhaqye, Aysen (Chile) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    She was stabbed by another teenager

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.chvnoticias.cl/sucesos/joven-trans-muere-coyhaique_20190920/ 20.09.2019


#322 Médely Razard

Age:    15

Occupation:    other

Date of death:    20/09/2019

Location of death:    Itaquaquecetuba (Brazil) Cause of death:    strangled/hanged

Remarks:    The body of the victim was with the shorts raised, covering the upper region of the head, and signs of aggression on her face. The family believes that the crime was motivated by homophobia, not only because of the cruelty and intensity of the injuries, but because no belongings were taken.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://noticias.r7.com/sao- paulo/transexual-e-encontrada-morta-com-sinais-de-violencia-em-sao-paulo- 21092019


#323 Bruna Surfistinha de Freitas


Age:    26

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    20/09/2019

Location of death:    Chorozinho (Brazil) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    The victim was taking a shower when she was shot. According to police, witnesses reported that two people were seen running out of the scene after the crime. There are no signs of break-in at the site.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://blogdogeso.blogspot.com/2019/09/mais-um-travesti-foi-morto-no- ceara.html?m=1


#324 Itali Marlowe

Age:    29

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    20/09/2019

Location of death:    Houston, Texas (USA) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    HPD offices responded to a shooting call and found Marlowe lying in the driveway of the residence. She had been shot multiple times. The suspect was living with Marlowe, and was spotted fleeing on foot from the residence prior to the arrival

Sources:    https://www.hrc.org/resources/violence-against-the-transgender- community-in-2019 https://transgriot.blogspot.com/2019/10/number-21-rest-in-power- itali-marlowe.html


#325 Paloma Barreto

Age:    38

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    21/09/2019 Location of death:    Avilés (Spain) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    A 38 years old trans woman was found dead of at least with 15 stabs. A friend said the suspect was a friend/travel partner

Sources:    Pabo Vergara // https://www.levante- emv.com/sucesos/2019/09/21/hallan-cadaver-mujer-transexual-15/1924363.html


#326 Mhelody Polan Bruno

Age:    25

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    21/09/2019

Location of death:    Wagga Wagga, New South Gales (Australia) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    The victim had been on holidays in Australia for two months. A 31-year-old man was arrested. Paramedics stabilised her at the scene, but she died the next morning at Hospital


Sources:    Sally Goldner AM // https://www.theguardian.com/australia- news/2019/sep/27/man-charged-after-death-of-filipina-trans-woman-in-nsw


#327 Itzayana López Hernández

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    22/09/2019

Location of death:    Alcaldia Alvaro Obregon, Ciudad De Mexico (Mexico) Cause of death:    asphyxiation/smoke inhalation/suffocated

Remarks:    Although his partner tried to make it look as suicide, the police believe it was a murder.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.reporteindigo.com/reporte/asesinan-a-joven-trans-de-chiapas- en-la-cdmx-buscaba-trabajo/ 24.09.2019


#328 Yoselin Martín Velasco

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death:    28/09/2019

Location of death:    Ciudad Modelo, Valle Del Cauca (Colombia) Cause of death:    shot

Remarks:    Joselin was kiled with a shot in the head

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans // https://www.qhubocali.com/asi-paso/a-yoselin-una-mujer-trans-le- dispararon-mientras-tenia-sexo-en-la-calle/ 29.09.2019


#329 N.N.

Age:    not reported

Occupation:    sex worker Date of death:    28/09/2019 Location of death:    Registro (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The victim showed signs of violence, with a perforation in the left side of the neck. Witnesses said was found with her hands and feet tied up

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // http://www.registrodiario.com/noticia/7048/travesti-e-encontrada-morta-com-pes-e- maos-amarrados-em-registro.html


#330 Chhaya

Age:    35

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    29/09/2019 Location of death:    Durg (India) Cause of death:    not reported

Remarks:    Not enough information reported

Sources:    Asia Pacific Transgender Network



#331 Júnia Franco

Age:    34

Occupation:    not reported Date of death:    29/09/2019

Location of death:    Uberlândia (Brazil) Cause of death:    stabbed

Remarks:    The victim had 13 body punctures caused by a sharp object, in the chest, armpits and back.

Sources:    TvT partner organisation: IBTE // https://diariodeuberlandia.com.br/noticia/22896/travesti-e-encontrada-morta-no- bairro-morumbi-em-uberlandia